This is a new install of Joomla! 3.10.2 Stable [ Daraja ] with CiviCRM version 5.37.0 installed.
I am trying to access CiviCRM permissions from the Joomla menu bar: System/Global Configuration/CiviCRM
I am receiving the following error:
"Too few arguments to function CRM_Core_Permission_Base::getAllModulePermissions(), 1 passed in /home/mysite/www/www/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/joomla/libraries/joomla/form/fields/civiperms.php on line 282 and exactly 2 expected"
I am logging in to Joomla with administrator privileges. I can only access CiviCrm as administrator.
Contacts, Members and Contribution data was imported from a previous CiviCRM installation from another server that was also running Joomla.
Any help is greatly appreciated.