I like to add a "from" line at the mailing label so we can use cheaper blank envelopes and am looking for the location and filename of the stylesheet of the labels. If I do it in Administer - Localization - Address Settings the font for the sender is to big.


consigner/sender | xystreet 12 | zip town

recipient Name


ZIP town

I have checked documentation but could only found how to add physical formats so far. Thank you for your tipps!

SECOND is there a way to define a start position, having a sheet that is patially used? e.g. start at label 5 or start at row2, label 2

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    Please only include a single question in each question. That restriction in StackExchange is what makes it possible to accurately vote on which answers are good.
    – Joe Murray
    Commented Jan 2, 2017 at 20:37

2 Answers 2


My solution for Question 1:

I create labels with the recipients in CiviCRM and save it. Than i create a label-sheet with the same format in libre-office only with the "from"-line and safe it as pdf. then i use "pdf chain" (for linux) to merge this two files together. in "pdf chain" it called "backround/stamp". so it "stamps the "from"-pdf as often as needed in to the pdf from CiviCRM.

  • Very helpful. Obviously different variants for different environments. I produced the background pdf in Word and the used Adobe Acrobat to add it to the pdf from CiviCRM. Very easy.
    – Mick Kahn
    Commented Feb 4, 2019 at 17:36

As an alternative to pdfchain, this can easily be done using pdftk:

pdftk MailingLabels_CiviCRM.pdf multistamp pdfstamp.pdf output out.pdf

The only thing you need, is a pdf file (maybe created using LibreOffice) that can be used as the "stamp" for the whole page of mailing labels.

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