Set up schedule job for mail reports. the following error is in the log:

Finished execution of Mail Reports with result: Failure, Error message: Report Mail Triggered... Required parameter missing: instanceId


Parameters raw (from db settings): instanceID=1 format=csv

Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): a:3:{s:7:"version";i:3;s:10:"instanceID";s:1:"1";s:6:"format";s:3:"csv";}

Full message: Finished execution of Mail Reports with result: Failure, Error message: Report Mail Triggered... Required parameter missing: instanceId

Have tried multiple options for parameters and spelling - i.e. lower case and different report IDs that are known to exist. All give the same error.

  • How are you running the job? This works for me: cv api --user=cmsadmin job.mail_report instanceId=1 format=csv
    – Demerit
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 14:50

2 Answers 2


You have instanceID with a capital D. It wants instanceId.

  • Yup! what's the embarrassed emoji? Thanks so much
    – Dave T
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 15:43

I got this error after upgrading (was very many versions behind).

I had trouble finding where to enter the parameter in the dashboard, but it's in "Settings - Scheduled Jobs", Mail reports. Then I edited and added "instanceId=1 format=csv" to the Command Parameters and saved. Went to more > Execute now and it worked.

  • THANKYOU! For others - make sure you put each parameter on a new line i.e. instanceId=1 on the first line and format=csv on a new line.
    – Hugh
    Commented Jun 4, 2022 at 1:24

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