For local development, so that I can test outgoing email safely, I use the Drupal settings.php file to store my MailHog email server settings e.g.

$conf['smtp_host'] = 'mail'; //Docker container
$conf['smtp_port'] = '1025'; //MailHog port 

This way I can refresh the local database and it will immediately work in my local environment.

I cannot see an obvious way of doing this for CiviCRM? Looking at the API explorer, I have experimented with a few things like:


But does this not seem to work. Can this be done? It would be nice to not have to change my SMTP setting each time.

1 Answer 1


Use something like:

$civicrm_setting['Mailing Preferences']['mailing_backend']['smtpPort'] = '587';

I think the group name 'Mailing Preferences' is obsolete and could be 'domain', but the above works.

You could also use the define('CIVICRM_MAIL_LOG') which you'll find lower down in civicrm.settings.php to dump all mail raw to a file without sending it.

  • 2
    Thanks so much for that - works perfectly. Tested with ['domain'] and this works so I have used this in preference to ['Mailing Preferences']. I need to see the results of the various HTML templated emails that go out so this is ideal. For those using MailHog with Docker my civicrm.settings.php file now has: $civicrm_setting['domain']['mailing_backend']['smtpPort'] = '1025'; //MailHog smtp port $civicrm_setting['domain']['mailing_backend']['smtpServer'] = 'mail'; //Docker container $civicrm_setting['domain']['mailing_backend']['smtpAuth'] = 0; //No auth required
    – ChumKui
    Commented Feb 23, 2022 at 17:25

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