We're running the 3.15 Omnipay extension with CiviCRM 5.46.2 under Wordpress.

Our hourly process_recurring job is returning an error as shown below and I was unable to find a reason. I set the debug to 1, but didn't see any additional log entries --

Entity: Job Action: process_recurring
Finished execution of ProcessRecurring with result: Failure, Error message: invalid criteria for IN

Parameters raw (from db settings): 

Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): 

Full message: 
Finished execution of ProcessRecurring with result: Failure, Error message: invalid criteria for IN
  • We're getting the a similar message using version 3.18 of the Omnipay multiprocessor support extension with CiviCRM 5.50.2. The only apparent difference is the last parameter passed is now "0".
    – Todd Scott
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 22:20

1 Answer 1


Having exactly the same problem. Running Omnipay 3.15, Drupal 7.89 and CiviCRM 5.47.1. Temporarily disabled the process_recurring job. Not a long term fix!


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