I am finding an error in Event registrations for multiple participants.
The Stripe Payment Processor is raising the following error:
[error] Attempted to create paymentIntent
from paymentMethod during doPayment failed: stdClass Object
[ok] => 1
[message] =>
[data] => Array
[requires_action] => 1
[paymentIntentClientSecret] => pi_3MWNlLHijo63jtQl15z5UozV_secret_ZCGAKCKwVuI9NcLVBcU9ILQGy
[error] Stripe Payment Error: Property 'paymentIntentID'
has not been set.
In the civicrm_stripe_paymentintent
table a row has been recorded with the following column values:
identifier = NULL
contact_id = NULL
stripe_intent_id = 'pi_3MWNlLHijo63jtQl15z5UozV'
status = 'requires_action'
When I test the Event Registration in Test-drive mode, the registration process succeeds and the row recorded has the same NULL values in the columns mentioned above, but with the status 'succeeded'.
Nevertheless, on the Live registration the payment process fails.
Any help would be very much appreciated.