When I try to add an offline contribution the soft credits portion of the screen shows a PHP Warning rather than the fields for the soft credit. soft credits forms section only shows PHP warning

The warning is

Warning: Undefined array key "siteHasPCPs" in /var/www/private_fs/civicrm/templates_c/en_US/%%6F/6F7/6F7BB438%%Contribution.tpl.php on line 378

The only solution I have found is changing line 378.

The line I have is <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['siteHasPCPs'] && ! $this->_tpl_vars['payNow']): ?>

If I add ?? NULL after $this->_tpl_vars['siteHasPCPs'] the line becomes <?php if ($this->_tpl_vars['siteHasPCPs'] ?? NULL && ! $this->_tpl_vars['payNow']): ?>

This change makes the form load as expected. CiviCRM Soft Credit section loading as expected

Before making changes to the code I tried flushing the caches and deletting the templates so that CiviCRM can regenerate them. For each of these attempts I get no change to the issue.

I am running CiviCRM 5.59.3 with Drupal 9.5.5.

I think this was happening before the upgrade but I cannot be positive. I Googled with some different terms this morning and found an issue related to this on the CiviCRM GitLab instance. https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues/4006#register-pane

If I get an answer there I will update this question.


1 Answer 1


This fix on GitLab solves the problem for this specific file. I found other places that this is happening and I will need to work on those on their own.

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