Our organization is a choir with around 60 people. We've been adding contact photos (using CiviCRM's built-in Contact Image feature) and I've made a roster page where we can see everyone's name & photos, but some of the images are pretty huge (in MB, not necessarily height/width) so the page with images seems to bog down browsers.
I noticed all the image URLs look like https://myhost.org/civicrm/contact/imagefile?photo=blah.jpeg
, indicating that this is some kind of dynamic API? Is there documentation somewhere for it? Is it capable of resizing to thumbnails or something? When I do it with just CSS resizing on the fly, it seems like not a great solution.
I'm generating the roster list using something like this:
'group' => $group_list,
'sequential' => 1,
'rowCount' => 10000,
'return' => 'custom_4,display_name,email,phone,street_address,city,state_province,postal_code,id,image_URL',
'sort' => 'custom_4,last_name,first_name'
$images = array_map( function($c) {
return $c->image_URL ? sprintf('<img src="%s" style="width: 100px" alt="Profile image" />', $c->image_URL) : '';
}, $api->values);
and I'm not sure whether there's any additional info in the API pertaining to the images either.
I'd love it if I could modify that URL to something like https://myhost.org/civicrm/contact/imagefile?photo=blah.jpeg&maxwidth=100
or something, is anything like that possible?