In this other question, I learned how to create a shortcode for a FormBuilder form that shows a SearchKit search result of events. I then discovered that WordPress does not render the shortcode form unless you are logged in.

What I have:

  • My test setup is newest WP 6.3.2 and newest CiviCRM 5.66.0.
  • CiviEvent: several events.
  • SearchKit: a search that gives me the results I want.
    The result presents no actions, no sorting, just a static table listing.
  • Form Builder: a form to hold the results from the search.
    The "permissions" field is intentionally blank, but that's not enough to make the form content public.
  • WordPress: a page that contains the shortcode with my search.
    This works correctly when I am logged in, but is simply not rendered for public visitors.

What I want:

  • The form content should be visible to public visitors (not-logged-in users).

1 Answer 1


I have an FB form that's submitted by anonymous users. The 'Permission' on the form's settings page is set to 'Generic - Allow all users (including anonymous)' and on each contact page 'Security' is set to 'Form based'. This is a Drupal 7 system but should work for all. Credit to Coleman of course who helped with this..

  • Yes and you also need to edit the Search Display and disable permission checks.
    – Coleman
    Commented Oct 17, 2023 at 21:52
  • 1
    Fantastic! Thank you both so much. The Form Builder permission 'Generic - Allow all users (including anonymous)' also exists on the WordPress platform, and that gave me the table in the public web page - but only the header, no data rows. I then found that the SearchKit 'Result' section also has permissions that I set to 'bypass permissions' = and now I see it exactly as I wanted! <3 Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 18:36
  • ...almost what I wanted. I discover that the event/registration links in the output is broken because, when included in the page mysite.com/courses/, then unfortunately /courses/ is inserted into the actual link. The link given in SearchKit is civicrm/event/info/?reset=1&id=10 becomes https://mysite.com/courses/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fevent%2Fregister&reset=1&id=10. I will put this into a new topic! Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 20:46

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