I have a lifetime membership: it concerns shares in the organisation that a user can buy.

From the backend I would like to register a contribution and attach it to the membership. How can I do this?

I know that exists the extension membershippayment (see this comment), but it seems abandoned. Can we do so and update it? Or do you recommend another way?

Thank you

2 Answers 2


You are right that the membership payment extension hasn't been updated in a while but we have it installed on a site and it is still working fine as far as I'm aware.

You need to apply this PR though to improve compatibility with recent CiviCRM and PHP versions: https://github.com/CiviCooP/org.civicoop.membershippayment/pull/7

UPDATE: version 1.2 has been released which should work with the current versions of CiviCRM. I've tested with CiviCRM 5.75

  • 1
    Many thanks William, it was just what I needed.
    – masetto
    Commented Aug 25 at 13:32
  • Glad to be of help! Commented Aug 26 at 14:06

Can you just Add/Renew a membership and record a payment?

  • A contact can have only one membership for this type and make "n" contributions at different times. I cannot use "Renew membership" because the renew process has not pricesets. I have to registrer the quantity of shares that the contact buys.
    – masetto
    Commented Aug 9 at 14:21

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