On CiviCrm 5.75.1, I can access a case from the contact that is the client in this case. e.g., I am going to the relations tab of that contact, choose the case and choose "manage case" from the menu. This is also possible from a contact's site that has another role in that case. It is supposed to be the same case, accessed from to different perspectives. However, the URLs are different. More important, if I try to actually change anything about that case (e.g. the case's status), if I do this after i have accessed the case from any other contacts side than the client, the status will not be changed, instead i get a "DB Error constraint violation" message. I believe the problem lies with the URL that the form/search provides, since the URLs are different. I also think the problem lies with the searchkit/formbuilder being in charge for providing the display of cases now.

  • Thank you. Yes, this lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues/2509 might very well be the problem here.
    – golha
    Commented Sep 18 at 15:17
  • Thanks for posting this but it doesn't really answer the question. If you'd like to show your appreciation please upvote the answer from Demerit. Commented Sep 20 at 9:17

1 Answer 1


Yes this is a known issue: https://lab.civicrm.org/dev/core/-/issues/2509

What you're describing is slightly different but I believe is the same underlying issue.

If someone wants to pick up trying to deal with it again there might be some pointers in that ticket.

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