I am developing an extension (named extensionbase) for the CiviCRM 5.78 plugin to WordPress 6.6.2. I think that means I'm using smarty5. I store extensionbase in wp-content\uploads\civicrm\ext\extensionbase.

So, BasePage.php is in wp-content\uploads\civicrm\ext\extensionbase\CRM\Extensionbase\Page. BasePage.tpl is in wp-content\uploads\civicrm\ext\extensionbase\templates\CRM\Extensionbase\Page.

From what I can tell using xdebug, CiviCRM correctly finds BasePage.php in wp-content\uploads\civicrm\ext\extensionbase\CRM\Extensionbase\Page. (Debugging also confirms I am using smarty5). However, CiviCRM looks for BasePage.tpl in wp-content\plugins\civicrm\civicrm\templates\CRM\Extensionbase\Page.

How can I get CiviCRM to look for BasePage.tpl in wp-content\uploads\civicrm\ext\extensionbase\templates\CRM\Extensionbase\Page?

2 Answers 2


Actually, my issue wasn't specific to smarty. CiviCRM first looks for custom templates, including uploaded extensions, (that's the part I missed), in the Custom Template Directory. Once I set this (I used [cms.root]/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates) on civicrm/admin/setting/path, CiviCRM found my extension templates as expected.


I'd say check 2 things:

  • You have a recent-ish version of civix and have run civix upgrade.
  • That info.xml has the smarty mixin in the <mixins> section. If it doesn't you can add it with civix mixin.
    • Also then if your compatibility version in info.xml is somewhat old that the mixin folder is present (which gets added by civix mixin or civix upgrade).

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