On a Wordpress site which uses the theme "Enlightenment" I have used civicrm shortcode to embed a civi Contribution form on a wp page. All is well until I click the Confirm Contribution button.. the next page that is returned (Contribution confirmation page) has the form results replicated in the wp/enlightenment footer
a part of the footer as it appears before contribution submission: https://i.sstatic.net/A2WYW.jpg
same part of the wp footer as it appears after submission.. https://i.sstatic.net/ByiCL.jpg
I've studied the page source for these two cases and it appears that civi's
It seems that the problem is related to the civContribution webform submission - any ideas on why the proper style inheritance would be lost after form submission and how/where I can fix this problem?
I realize this is a case of Enlightenment probably doing something the civiContribute doesn't expect but since all is well before form submission I suspect that there could be a civi way to fix this.