Working on a Civi 4.5.5 site. I've configured a membership renewal contribution page to record a membership fee, and (voluntary) additional donation.
By setting the Contribution Page Financial Type to "Donation", and selecting "Separate Membership Payment" on the Membership tab. When entering a test payment, two contribution records were created with one of type "Donation" and one of type "Membership Fee". As expected.
Renewal is easy, because we are only capturing info for the Primary member.
The membership type extends by relationship to other family members. so the organisation want a membership webform to capture contact details of the related individuals (spouse//partner, and offspring) on initial sign up.
When testing the webform to collect an additional donation on sign up, only 1 contribution was recorded (equal to the value of the membership fee and the donation- but labelled as a donation).
Is it just that the create separate payments option doesn't work with the current civi/webform integration? In which case I need to discuss what is more important with the organisation.
Or am I missing something blindingly obvious? Has anyone been able to get this to work?
thought of this after pressing save Should I collect related contact data in the webform, then re-direct to membership contribution page which will populate with Contact 1's data and allow the separate payments to work as expected?