Working on a Civi 4.5.5 site. I've configured a membership renewal contribution page to record a membership fee, and (voluntary) additional donation.

By setting the Contribution Page Financial Type to "Donation", and selecting "Separate Membership Payment" on the Membership tab. When entering a test payment, two contribution records were created with one of type "Donation" and one of type "Membership Fee". As expected.

Renewal is easy, because we are only capturing info for the Primary member.

The membership type extends by relationship to other family members. so the organisation want a membership webform to capture contact details of the related individuals (spouse//partner, and offspring) on initial sign up.

When testing the webform to collect an additional donation on sign up, only 1 contribution was recorded (equal to the value of the membership fee and the donation- but labelled as a donation).

Is it just that the create separate payments option doesn't work with the current civi/webform integration? In which case I need to discuss what is more important with the organisation.

Or am I missing something blindingly obvious? Has anyone been able to get this to work?

thought of this after pressing save Should I collect related contact data in the webform, then re-direct to membership contribution page which will populate with Contact 1's data and allow the separate payments to work as expected?



  • Did you enable the "contribution amount" field on the webform?
    – Coleman
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 20:18
  • Hi Coleman, Yes Contribution amount is added. Craig Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 14:38
  • 1
    Hi Coleman and Pete Thanks for your input I think the form won't quite do what I want. Talking to the client, they are happy that the form does take a membership payment and an additional donation, and are satisfied with that functionality. I wanted to split payment into two contribution records so that the donation could be further processed for Gift Aid. To get all the features I'd have to create a webform for contact details and a contribution page for the payments and customise the redirect link from one to the other. Which is currently beyond my capabilities. Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 15:07
  • 1
    I think you'll find certain civi reports will allow you to drill down into the individual line-items being created under the umbrella of that single contribution record.
    – Coleman
    Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 18:11

2 Answers 2


Webform-CiviCRM integration was designed to be able to sign up multiple members plus collect a contribution. It will save a single contribution record containing a separate line-item for each (2 memberships + a donation = 3 line items).

There are some key settings that are required:

  • Contributions (in Webform CiviCRM section): Should be set to your Donation Contribution page and not your Membership Contribution page if you created one
  • Memberships Tab (in Webform CiviCRM section): Should be set to one

With those settings above and any other data that you would like to collect you will be able to receive a donation and membership purchase on the same transaction.

Adding some examples:

enter image description here

So on a contribution level these look like Donations -> so you must pull LineItem reports; this one is a good one (from Fuzion's Extended Reports): civicrm/report/price/contributionbased?reset=1

enter image description here

Adding some more screenshots:

Contribution page config (also enabled a Payment Processor); but I don't even have Membership section enabled here;

enter image description here

Webform CiviCRM config [I've hidden Membership type as there really is only one];

enter image description here

  • On the tests I ran, it created a single contribution (financial type donation) the contribution record didn't break this down further (m'ship fee + donation) Running a payment directly through the linked contribution page created two separate contribution records. Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 14:55
  • As far as I can see, when we set up a webform to take payment for both an event and a membership, we got a single contribution with a single line item. Perhaps there is something both Craig and I are missing in the webform set up.
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 18:28
  • That's odd, it's certainly supposed to create line items for each entity.
    – Coleman
    Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 18:31
  • I'm pretty sure we are using this for a client and creating the line items. Let me see if there was anything bespoke done. J Commented Sep 30, 2015 at 7:29
  • Webform creates separate line items when you pay for different items. I can confirm this under the environment of Civi4.6.8 + latest webform civicrm module.
    – Guanhuan
    Commented Sep 30, 2015 at 10:00

I suspect Webform does not handled that, so yes you might need to either do the Membership page, then pass them on to a Webform to add their related people, or vv

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