My dilemma is not being sure I have set the membership status rules correctly. One enigma is the Start/End event adjustments. An example of explanatory text goes:
Optional adjustment period added or subtracted from the End Event.
Using the plus [+] or minus [-] sign does not get retained when saved, so how is an integer interpreted without a sign, in those adjustments?
The primary problem I've been alerted to is difficulty with renewing any expired memberships. Despite this helpful prompt . . .
Renewing will add the normal membership period to the End Date of the previous period for members whose status is Current or Grace. For Expired memberships, renewing will create a membership period commencing from the 'Date Renewal Entered'. This date can be adjusted including being set to the day after the previous End Date - if continuous membership is required.
. . . it seems that I have set something up incorrectly, as, when folks try to process an expired (after-grace-period-has-ended) member's renewal, the response is:
Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment. Oops, it looks like there is no valid membership status corresponding to the membership start and end dates for this membership. Contact the site administrator for assistance.
It seems they can't get to the point where the dates can be changed to effect continuous membership for tardy payers. I.e:
For Expired memberships, renewing will create a membership period commencing from the 'Date Renewal Entered'. This date can be adjusted including being set to the day after the previous End Date - if continuous membership is required.
What have I done wrong and how do I fix it, please?
v4.4 running on WordPress
EDIT (as requested)
The organisation only asked for three types: current, grace and expired. The present rules are:
Status......Start Event......End Event......Member
Current.....start date.......end date...........Yes....(weight 1)
Grace.......end date.........end date..........Yes....(end event adj 12 months, weight 2)
Expired.....end date..................................No....(end event adj 13 months, weight 3)
Not sure how my attempt as columnar layout will fare, so I apologise if it's hard to read/follow.
The requested grace period was one month. I recently changed that to 12 months, in an effort to get over the problem described in my first posting. Despite heeding the advice and looking at the WP demo, (during which nothing bit me in the eye), I do think I have a mental block with this conundrum. (aka user incompetence)