I'm helping a group that has a small Commerce store on the site (Drupal 7, CiviCRM 4.6.9) and I'd love to be able to push data from Commerce purchases back into CiviCRM. I have seen some general talk about CiviCRM Entity and Rules integration being able to do this, but I'm curious if anyone has a recipe that is working for them that they would be willing to post -- including the Rule's event(s), condition(s), and action(s) to do this.

I'm assuming the event should be upon successful checkout in Commerce, but I haven't determined the best way to handle conditions and actions.

Event, Condition, Action

Ideally I'd love to be able to do the following:

  • Push first name, last name, billing address into the CiviCRM contact that is already created (but just contains email address)
  • On a product type basis (or if necessary, a line item basis) push a contribution onto this contact record, tagged to the appropriate contribution type. (e.g. we have set up the ability to 'add a donation to your order' in the Commerce shopping cart, so we'd like to be able to split apart the physical product purchase into a 'store purchase' contribution, and push any add-on donation as a 'donation' contribution).

2 Answers 2


Exported Rules:

The description of what I'm trying to do is below, and you can download (and/or pitch in) on the current versions of the Rules below at this GitHub repo.

Problem Areas:

  • In creating the CiviCRM Contribution record, I haven't been able to figure out how to set the Receive Date. I can't input the token for the date of the order because that is of type Date and the CiviCRM Receive Date field only allows data of type Text. Pointers/ideas welcome as currently it leaves the date off completely in the inserted contribution record.
  • Also less than ideal is leaving Fee amount and Net amount blank...
  • This seems not to work unless the purchaser is an administrator so I've got some further digging to do on permissions

With a lot of trial and error, I have a start on this. This is a work in progress, so feel free to chip in on remaining items if you have an idea or have thought of a better way.

Needed Modules:

Working Elements:

  • Add some contact info to the CiviCRM contact
  • Add separate contributions to the CiviCRM contact depending on type (store item, donation, shipping fee)


Set up Commerce Donate and have a pane on your checkout to allow someone to add a donation to a store order:

Commerce Donate

Now go to Rules (Configuration > Workflow > Rules) and create a new rule. I ended up breaking this into two separate rules but after I discovered the Conditional Rules module I'm pretty sure I could have done it in one.

First rule: Add contact info to CiviCRM on store order

  1. Events: Completing the checkout process
  2. Conditions: I don't think any conditions are needed. I have a few in there from testing currently but I don't think they affect anything.
  3. Actions:

    • Fetch entity by id with Entity type = "CiviCRM Contact" and Identifier = "commerce-order:owner:civicrm-contact:id" Entity type/Identifier
    • Fetch entity by id with Entity type = "User" and Identifier = "site:current-cart-order:uid"
    • Fetch entity by id with Entity type = "Commerce Customer profile" and Identifier = "site:current-cart-order:uid"
    • Set a data value selecting "civi-contact:first-name" and using the value "[customer:commerce-customer-address:first_name]" (do likewise for any other information you want to pull from the Commerce profile and insert into the appropriate CiviCRM field) Actions

Second rule: Add contribution info to CiviCRM on store order

  1. Events: Completing the checkout process
  2. Conditions: Same as above; I don't think any conditions are needed. I have a few in there from testing currently but I don't think they affect anything.
  3. Actions:

    • Fetch entity by id with Entity type = "CiviCRM Contact" and Identifier = "commerce-order:owner:civicrm-contact:id" Entity type/Identifier
    • For each contribution type (e.g. donation, store product, shipping fee) do: Add a variable to capture the total amount for that type. (e.g. donation_total) and set it to 0 to start. Add a variable
    • After all variables are added, Add a loop to the rule's actions
    • Within this loop, Add a switch on Data to match against = "line-item:type" (switch functionality is provided by the Conditional Rules module; this is assuming your store products are set up as different types -- e.g. Donations as a donation type) Switch
    • For each contribution type again, within this Switch, add a Case (again provided by Conditional Rules) and select the type of product in the Data value. Select "Fall through" as False. Case
    • Within each of these conditional Cases, add two new actions. The first one is to Calculate a value (input value 1 as the respective variable you set up above, e.g. donation_total, and input value 2 as line-item:commerce-total:amount-decimal and the operator as + for addition). The second action within this case is to Set a data value on the donation_total variable, using the value you just calculated. Case Donation
    • After all of the Cases have been added to the Switch, add a new root level Conditional for each product type, to make sure the total for that type is greater than zero before creating a Contribution record. To do this, choose Add conditional and then within this conditional, choose Add if with a "Data comparison" to make sure it isn't empty (or is greater than zero).
    • Within this final If, we can add a new action to Create a new entity, selecting CiviCRM Contribution. Within here, I've added a number of direct input/hard coded values such as:

      • Financial Type ID = 1 (for donations, adjust as needed for other types such as a custom 'Store purchase' financial type within CiviCRM)
      • Total Amount: use the variable that you created and have updated for this type, e.g. total_donations
      • Contact id: civi-contact:id
      • Payment Instrument ID: kind of hackish but I've just entered a hard-coded value for credit card purchase (4)
      • You can add a direct input value in the "Contribution source" field and "note" field if you like

Create new entity

  • 2
    This is fantastic! i ran into the the date convert issue in rules. There are a couple of approaches off the top of my head: 1) fix field in civicrm-entity (see drupal.org/node/2314125#comment-9112569) 2) convert in rules - drupal.org/project/rules_data_transforms (you may want a separate rule using variables to simplify or 3) use the API directly in rules which is a bit of a hack ... Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 19:15
  • @Sonicthoughts Just tried a test with your suggestion #2, doing a convert to text on the date, and it inserted a contribution record with this date: "October 22nd, 3474 2:45 PM" !!
    – Laryn
    Commented Oct 22, 2015 at 19:53
  • When you are comfortable with it please push to github and let's try to get the community to maintain it. Commented Oct 22, 2015 at 23:58
  • I haven't found the time to finish this off, but just updated to note another problem area (permissions).
    – Laryn
    Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 17:11
  • 1
    @petednz-fuzion I added a link to Github at the top of my answer: github.com/CEDC/civicrm_drupal_commerce_rules
    – Laryn
    Commented Dec 16, 2015 at 4:24

As they say ... there is a module for that:commerce civicrm You can also use rules if you want to trigger other actions but it sounds like this may cover a lot of what you need.

  • 1
    When we investigated Commerce CiviCRM a year or so ago, it had a number of hardcoded assumptions (eg which type of address is recorded against a transaction) which led us to not use it; it also doesn't seem to be actively maintained. It may be a good reference/starting point for custom work, but may not suit all use cases well. Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 1:21
  • 1
    And if I remember correctly the module uses an older version of the API. Not a deal breaker, just something to consider. Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 2:23
  • which is why we (eileen) headed down the Rules approach instead of the module - but the client we thought was going to let us get it all packaged nicely as as starter kit for others put the project on hold ;(
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Oct 20, 2015 at 3:47
  • Thanks -- yes, I had seen the module but it looked limited and like it was on the way out. Since I'd seen a lot of talk of using Rules with this I was keen to try that out and see if I could get the custom functionality of different "Financial Types" within a single store order.
    – Laryn
    Commented Oct 21, 2015 at 18:17

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