Created an event with a profile for registration information. One of the fields added to the profile was the Note field, associated with a contact. However, when the confirmation e-mail was sent, the e-mail included the last note connected to the contact, yet the current note was created in the primary contact record without any link to event registration. It also does not show up when you view the registration. Additionally, the note did not attach to the secondary contact that was registered in the same registration.
Said a different way. Contact1 created an event registration and included a note in the contact note field that was part of the profile. Rather than attaching that note to the confirmation e-mail, the note that was attached was the newest note linked to each Contact. For Contact1, that was an e-mail from a month ago. For Contact2, whom Contact1 was registering, it was an e-mail from a year ago. Afterwards, the system then created the note from the registration form, attaching it to Contact1's contact record, but did not attach the note to Contact2 or the registration.
What's the proper way to create a comment field on an event registration?