The latest version of civicrm no longer prints the version in the footer. Is this correct? How do I find the version I am running?
5 Answers
If you have CiviCRM 4.7 then from the top menu:
Administer > Administration Console > System Status
Your version number will be in the CiviCRM Up-to-Date section.
[side note: the demo version of Wordpress CiviCRM does have the version number in the footer -- not sure why you're not seeing it.]
It's only in the footer on internal pages, so that may be the issue. Commented Feb 23, 2016 at 2:55
You can also check the version from the file: civicrm-version.php
in the downloaded folder of civicrm.
File path : civicrm/civicrm-version.php
If you have access to your DB you can look in the civicrm_domain table for field= version
Another way from the API (4.7 onward) is to use the System.check API:
$result = civicrm_api3('System', 'check', array(
'name' => "checkVersion",
to get something like
[is_error] => 0
[version] => 3
[count] => 1
[id] => 5
[values] => Array
[5] => Array
[name] => checkVersion
[message] => CiviCRM version 4.7.2 is up-to-date.
[title] => CiviCRM Up-to-Date
[severity] => info
[severity_id] => 1
[is_visible] => 1
[icon] => fa-cloud-upload
[id] => 5
From the API, you can also do System.get, which returns something like:
[is_error] => 0
[version] => 3
[count] => 1
[id] => 0
[values] => Array
[0] => Array
[version] => <3-part version number>
[uf] => <CMS type>