We recently sent out emails to our affiliates, providing them with a link outfitted with some checksum tokens. The link goes to a webform w/ CiviCRM Integration. The token and webform work fine -- they are able to fill out the required information and pay for their membership.
Some users, however, are getting confused by the message "x membership has a status of 'x'" at the top of the webform page, thinking that their membership is expired, cancelled, etc. based on what they see.
The organization, before my arrival, had tried to set up the membership feature, however it was never fully realized, leading to me having to create a new set of membership types to work with. I've gone ahead and expired the old memberships, re-titling the type to "2013 Membership", however that still leaves the aforementioned message visible to the person utilizing the checksum link. I could just delete the old membership type, as we plan to do a fresh install in the future without this information, however we have payments associated with the membership type that I don't want to go down that route, yet.
I'm assuming I'll have to make the change somewhere in a template file, however I wanted to check first before I go messing around with it, in case I'm missing an option somewhere inside the front end of Civi.
Edit: Here is an example of the message users see. I'm interested in removing the first line in the green box. Users will not see the second line as this is a new webform that everyone will be submitting for the first time.