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Questions tagged [apiv4]

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api4: get(FALSE) vs get()->setCheckPermissions(FALSE): which is preferred?

In ap4, there are apparently two different ways to specify skipping permissions: In the api4 browser at /civicrm/api4, when you un-check the "CheckPermissions" checkbox, the action method is ...
TwoMice's user avatar
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Validating options in API4?

Is there a way to make APIv4 validate options when creating/updating? For example, using the demo data I can run: $ cv api4 Contact.update '{"where":[["id","=",202]],&...
Aidan's user avatar
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Use complete address and full county name in mailings

Working on a mailing that includes contacts full address details. And I'm encountering an issue for UK addresses where the county is abbreviated in the same way US states are. I've never seen such 3-...
dmgeurts's user avatar
4 votes
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Finding contacts without relationships (API)

How can I find contacts using the APIv4 that don't have any relationships of a specific type? I want the first n contacts ordered by a date field meeting various conditions excluding those with a ...
Aidan's user avatar
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apiv4 no longer sees custom fields that allow for multiple entry

I just noticed an error on a site I maintain. Some custom code uses apiv4 to return a value from a set of custom fields (on individual contacts) and that function now throws an error: API_Exception: ...
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