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Questions tagged [chaining]

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6 votes
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What is the join logic when using API chaining with action = get?

I read about API chaining and I'm using it with get actions to learn more about how it works. I'm confused by the inconsistent behavior of the following two API calls: CRM.api3('participant', 'get', ...
Sean's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can I chain API calls through drush?

API chaining works well in Javascript and PHP. For example, I can retrieve a contact's email addresses using this code generated by the API Explorer: Php $result = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getsingle'...
Noah Miller's user avatar
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How to use API chaining to create a contact and a relationship

I've read all the docs I could find, the code examples, the 4.6 explorer, but I'm not grasping one piece. Below is code to create a new adult contact (via profile submit, to get some extra validation ...
Nicholai's user avatar
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How to update ContentType Label through API chaining?

I try to relabel Organization as "Entity": $result = civicrm_api3('ContactType', 'create', array( 'label' => "Entity", 'api.ContactType.get' => array('name' => "Organization"), )); ...
ñull's user avatar
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