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Questions tagged [civicrm.settings]

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Where is the Detailed Logging setting stored?

I am attempting to turn on detailed logging for a site (Administer -> System Settings -> Misc (Undelete, PDFs, Limits, Logging, Captcha, etc.), the Logging option. When I save the change, I'm ...
RiverRunner's user avatar
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Is SITE_KEY in a table in the database?

I've cloned a website to make it a sandbox and I changed the site key in civicrm.settings.php following this post. My question is: do I also need to change this value in some table in the database?
Guillaume Sorel's user avatar
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cms.root Setting

When i set up the Settings this way: [cms.root]/libraries/civicrm It tries to resolve resources from: http://default/... When i change to ...
Kamil Wezyk's user avatar
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All the Bower component icons not displaying

Not sure whether this happened post WP update (to WP 5.2) but now none of the icons under bower_components/jquery_ui/.../images. No paths were changed/updated in System settings. Tooltips still show, ...
Lesley Evensen's user avatar