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Questions tagged [civirules]

CiviRules is an extension that allows rules-based actions, like automatically adding a contact to a group when he/she contributes more than predefined amount.

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Update custom field individual checkbox value without overwriting the other values in the set

CiviCRM 5.78.3 CiviRules 3.14.0 When using the "Set Custom Field on contact" action to update a custom field that contains a set of checkboxes, is it possible to update an individual ...
Ollie B's user avatar
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Re-ordering CiviRules Actions

I have a CiviRule with a large number of actions, all in a sequence with delays. I want to insert an action in the middle of the sequence. When I do "Add Action" it puts the action at the ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
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How to create a message template with a specified workflow name

CiviRules has long been able to send Activity emails using this code (sites/default/files/civicrm/ext/org.civicoop.civirules/CRM/CivirulesActions/Activity/Add.php line 179 of CiviRules v3.12): ...
wil_SRQ's user avatar
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civiRules: Difference between "Group is added" and "Contact is added to group"

Can someone explain the difference between these two triggers? I had a rule using "Contact is added to group", but from what I could tell, it seems that each time the contact record was ...
A. Block's user avatar
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Images break when sending message template via CiviRule but works when sending via CiviMail

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this behaviour before. If I compose a message in Mosaico that has images in the message... When I send that email via CiviMail it displays fine. When I send the email ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
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CiviRule based on "Activity Date reached" - how to stop it triggering an email every 24 hours after that date

LINKED TRIGGER: Activity Date reached ; Activity with type XX AND Status XX Action is to then send an email. So for someone with eg 3 July, we want an email sent on 3 July. Excellent. But it then ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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Available triggers for CiviRule 'Update membership status'

I'm trying to use the recently added 'Update membership status' action in CiviRules but every trigger related to 'contribution' appears to not be compatible and I get this warning This action is not ...
Guillaume Sorel's user avatar
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CiviRule: Add a relationship between triggering contakt and data filled in a reference field

I would like to use CiviRule to create a relationship after a contact has been entered in a contact reference field. The A-side of the relationship should be the contact for which the data was entered ...
Gregor's user avatar
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I seem to have lost the add rule menu item for CiviRules

I have been looking to update my CiviRules, and add new, but I can’t find the Add rule menu item under CiviRules. I have searched the Civicrm_menu table in MySQL, and it is missing, can someone help ...
Dan's user avatar
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Restricting editing and deleting an activity

I want to create an action in extension without form processing, which will restrict editing and deleting the activity of a contact after activity status is changed to 'Completed'. Please help me. I ...
user17427's user avatar
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How to send a notification email to a group when a form is submitted

I have a form with an individual (the logged in user), an organization (can be new or existing), and a grant (will be a new grant created on submission). The form works fine... I want to send an email ...
Daniel Strum's user avatar
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Using CiviRules to send SMS via Twilio

I have the Twilio extension installed and working for sending individual SMS messages. However, I don't see any way to trigger an SMS message via CiviRules. Has this not been developed or am I missing ...
Daniel Strum's user avatar
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Categorize contacts automatically created from inbound emails

Would it be possible to set Civi that contacts which were created from inbound emails will be of a certain type? Or added to a certain group? A tag will be added to it, to allow a rule to catch it an ...
Itamar's user avatar
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Saved rules not showing

I have activated the CiviRules extension and created a workflow. It says it saved however the screen is empty when I go to Manage CiviRules. No filters selected it's just a general search. I checked ...
Mary's user avatar
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Email reminders for a case

I’m using Civi 5.68.1 on WP. I want to create auto reminders for the case ahead of a deadline, which is stored as a custom field on the case. I assume Scheduled Reminders would have been the obvious ...
Itamar's user avatar
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CiviRule delay is not working

I've set up a new rule. When I'm testing it without a delay, it works as expected. But when I set a delay, it doesn't seem to be executed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
Itamar's user avatar
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CiviCase Timelines based on specific values of fields

I’m new here, so sorry if I’m asking something too obvious, but I couldn’t find an answer in Civi manual to it. The manual stats that “…if one of the activities in your standard timeline is a medical ...
Itamar's user avatar
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Ncn-civi-zoom or ZoomZoom?

Exploring a possibility of integration. There are quite a lot of search results to read, however in 2023, which of the extensions has, in your opinion, smoother integration experience? It ...
yurg's user avatar
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Email drip campaign with CiviRules

We are interested in creating periodic emails for contacts in specific groups. If the contact is in group X, then every month, they should receive the next email in the flow. At the end of the set of ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
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Custom logic for fields using CiviRules

This question is referring to the same example found here: Custom logic for fields One of the requirements for a project was for the system to generate a unique ID for each of the members coming in. ...
Ryan How's user avatar
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Add civirule for Chasse

I'm trying to configure Chasse for some automated email campaigns for new supporters. I understand I need to add a new CiviRule action (we installed Chasse after CiviRule but it has added a new rule ...
Cozy4907's user avatar
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CiviRule condition base on contribution page?

I'd like to send users a notification email when someone donates from a specific contribution page - is this possible? I don't see contribution page in the list of condition options in CiviRule.
erin's user avatar
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CiviRules "Update Date Value" - I cannot select any source or target field

I am trying to create a Civi rule that will be triggered by "Membership is changed" and then set the end date of this membership to a new value. (This rule is needed as a workaround for ...
emma's user avatar
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Automatically renew Free Membership

We have 3x Membership types, two paid and the other free. All appear on the same signup form. When a free membership is created, the auto-renew flag is set correctly, and a Recurring Contribution is ...
ben_fairless's user avatar
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JSON syntax to set custom date field with current date/time using a civirules action

In a civirules action I would like to set a custom participant field to the current date/time using the action 'Set Custom Field on any entity' What json can I use for current date/time to set a ...
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
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Unable to install email api extension

I was just installing the email api and got the following error (Drupal 9.5.3 / CiviCRM 5.55.2 with email api 2.9) Sorry, due to an error, we are unable to fulfill your request at the moment. You may ...
kathc's user avatar
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Confusion about CiviRules > Trigger for 'Source', 'Target', 'Assignee'

This question comes off the back of a (now answered) question I asked previously about FormBuilder and email routing. I setup a CiviRule to trigger and perform some actions when a specific activity is ...
shibetpc's user avatar
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How to import contact via CSV and trigger CiviRule for Trigger "Address is added"

I set up a CiviRule that when an Address is added for a Contact some relationships are created depending on the zip code for that Contact. Now I create some Contacts via an import of a CSV file. I ...
mplh's user avatar
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Is it possible to open a case (of a certain type) as the action of a CiviRule?

I'm trying to write a CiviRule with the trigger "Custom Data on Individual Changed" and the linked conditions "Contact Custom Field Changed is one of" AND "Field Value ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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Can CiviRules Field Value Comparison be made to work with a checkbox field?

I'm trying to set up a CiviRule using a Field Value Comparison to a checkbox field (i.e. a field that allows multiple values), in this case Preferred Communication Method. It doesn't seem that any of ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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CiviRule to chase volunteer for application form two weeks after it has been sent

I'm trying to build a CiviRule to chase a volunteer for an application form, two weeks after the application form has been emailed to them, by sending them a second email reminding them of the ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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Using CiviRule to delay tax receipts

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could use a CiviRule to delay sending the tax receipts by email? For our gala, we need to wait until we know the exact non-deductible portion of each ticket ...
erin's user avatar
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CiviRule Triggers but doesn't send email

UPDATE Feb 2023 - Nothing changed, but my emails will not send anymore. I tried to create a new rule to see if that helped trigger something, but no emails are sent. Mickey Mouse is the record of the ...
erin's user avatar
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CiviRule not triggering

I am trying to setup a rule to notify donors and staff when a payment fails, but for some reason I can't get the trigger to work. Trigger is "contribution added" and condition is "...
erin's user avatar
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Last contribution tokens

I am trying to create a rule that will notify our CEO of donations over a certain amount. In the message template I want to include info about the donation. I'm choosing the tokens for "latest ...
erin's user avatar
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Schedule a Recurring Email to Everyone in a Group

Is it possible to send an email to a group once a week? I can see that scheduled reminders can be sent based on an entity but I'd like to send an email invite to all our members that haven't already ...
SandJT's user avatar
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Using CiviRules to create a Case on a Contact record

I'm trying to use CiviRules in WordPress to create a new Case for contact records using a Field Value Comparison (when a custom data field "is not empty"). My test cases are confirming that ...
Rainer's user avatar
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Trigger CiviRule based on contribution receive date with field value comparison relative to today

I'm trying to trigger a CiviRule when a contribution is created with a receive date earlier than today, using field value comparison, but I don't seem to be able to get this to work. According to this ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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30 day overdue notification to staff

I would like to send out either an email or better an email with a report with all those members who are 30 days overdue. I'm not wanting this to go straight to the member, but to one of my staff who ...
SandJT's user avatar
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CiviRules: is it possible to control what relationship contacts are used for the actions?

I have a rule created in CiviRules that triggers on the creation of a relationship and creates an activity. I'm finding that the activity creation will create two records -- one for each of the two ...
lcdservices's user avatar
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How can I use CiviRules to update case status based on age of case (set to inactive or similar)

I want to use Civi Rules to make older cases have their status automatically updated to something appropriate like 'inactive'. I found
Tom Rosenbloom's user avatar
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Activity Tokens in SMS via Civi Rules

I'm trying to set up sms reminders for activities. And am trying to configure this with CiviRules. For example, a client has an initial assessment with our youth service. I want to send a reminder ...
Craig Almond's user avatar
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How can I add activities information in the email sent by civirules?

I have a rule to trigger based on when an activity is added and send an email. I would like to add the content of the activity i.e. activity type, description in the email sent by civirules. Is it ...
Tapash's user avatar
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How do i open a case when a specific activity is added

How can I create a case with a set case type when a specific activity is added to a contact or a contact is added to a particular group? New contact joins using WordPress integration form. A new ...
Dan's user avatar
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CiviRule "Delay Then Send Message" does not include contribution data

Drupal 7.88 CiviCRM 5.41.0 CiviRules 2.41 We have a custom field that is not written to the database in time to be included on the receipts. So my work around is a civirule which sends a Message ...
Iowa Boy's user avatar
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Automated email to user-selected contact with copy of webform and uploaded docs (using CiviRules?)

I'm using CiviCRM 5.41.2, CiviRules: Version 2.41, Drupal 7.87 I am trying to create a webform where the user submits a number of documents. They also select their region from a drop down list, ...
Joanna S's user avatar
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Anonymous online membership renewal - member dues payment is recorded but how to extend the membership expiration date?

I'm new to CiviCRM so I may be missing something obvious, but research hasn't helped me yet. This is for a small-scale organization using Wordpress where we don't want users to log in to the site. We ...
Hilary Caws-Elwitt's user avatar
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Adding or Editing Civirule where Linked Trigger = "webform is submitted" returns error

Civicrm version: 5.45.1 Drupal 9.3.3 Adding (or editing an existing) civirule where the selected trigger is "webform is submitted" generates the fatal error: CiviRule trigger class "...
6jam's user avatar
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rules that send emails generate errors

I have continued to have problems getting one particular Rule to work. It is supposed to trigger whenever a new contact is added, and do two things: Add those new users to a specific group, and send ...
David Hyman's user avatar
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Email shows as "Cancelled" when triggered using civiRule

I have setup a civiRule to send out a email 5 mins after a contribution is added. The event does get triggered properly but the email shows up as "cancelled" under user activity and no email ...
user13047's user avatar

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