Questions tagged [contacts]

The central entity of the CiviCRM universe. Every other entity is connected in some way to a contact. Can be subdivided in individuals, organizations and households. New contact types can be configured.

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20 votes
3 answers

how can I change the contact type for one contact (to/from individual/household/organization)?

All contacts have a type of either "individual", "household", or "organization". How can I change this type for an existing contact?
Sean's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to hide old contacts from default search? (best practices for old contacts)

Deleting contacts causes problems because it removes their contribution records. At the same time we don't want old contacts to show up unless they are explicitly requested (such as when searching ...
Sleewok's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Number of contacts vs. hosting space required

Apologies if these questions seem pretty elementary, but I am having a hard time finding definitive answers anywhere else on the web: 1) Is there a maximum number of contacts one can include in a ...
Sean Keller's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to disconnect civi contact record from Drupal user

I created a contact record for some testing using the site admin email address which is associated to the corresponding Drupal user account (user 1). However it's now causing some problems with ...
Ashe Higgs's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

is there any way to restrict data export?

Is there any way to restrict data export while still allowing users to see all data? I still want to give this permission 'View ANY CONTACT in the CiviCRM database, export contact info and perform ...
Kboy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to exclude contacts from a mailing who share an email with a group of contacts?

If I'm sending out emails asking for donation, I exclude all the contacts who have donated recently with a smart group. Unfortunately, because we have many contacts who share an email (generally ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I set "Assigned To" for an Activity to default to the logged-in user name?

Our users are creating many new Activities which are Assigned To the user creating the Activity. I want to save them time and keystrokes by having Assigned To: default to that logged-in user's name. ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

how do I find error log to see what is causing the error

I am not the technical person - merely a user so I am very unfamiliar with this tool. I am trying to find the reason for the error I receive when trying to search the contacts for all individual ...
janetwish's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How and when should I create custom data fields?

I need at least 50 different "categories" or "custom fields". Everything from Contact Info like Name, Address, etc. to specific information that I would have to uniquely name. I am getting extremely ...
SproutMediaLab's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

checkbox import problems

Right now I have a custom data set set up that has 3 custom fields inside of it. Inside each custom field is a list of options that can be checked. (checkbox is the option) In my spreadsheet that I ...
SproutMediaLab's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can CiviCRM be used in a HIPAA context?

I was talking to somebody over the weekend regarding a site that seemed a perfect match for CiviCRM -- including donations, event registration, contact/relationships, case management. When I mentioned ...
Laryn's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

creating contacts from remote websites

is it possible to create new contacts using remote html forms? we have three different websites related to different activities of the organization. we would like to create adding contact forms on ...
jobs malkar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

100s of duplicate contacts created of current user when using CiviCRM

I have recently migrated a CiviCRM instance from Joomla to Wordpress, everything went smoothly. The installation is using CiviCRM 5.7.2 and PHP 7.2. We're now seeing a peculiar problem where, when ...
fred2's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Get or generate a contact checksum via API?

Is there a way to view or generate a Contact's checksum via the REST API? I'm looking to use the checksum to provide relevant form links, etc., but need to get it programmatically on a Contact ...
mac's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to delete sample data?

When I accepted sample data on install I did not realize there would be 200 contacts added with no clear way to get rid of them. How do I delete these contacts?
jerrygarciuh's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How Do You Create Users from Contacts?

I am currently using a Drupal 7.35 CiviCRM 4.4.14 build for a new website. I have all of contacts set up, with their relationships and memberships, and all the rules in place so that as it changes in ...
Darren Whittenham-Gray's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

What are best practices for bad postal addresses?

I work with a number of organizations that do a lot of outreach via postal mail. What is the best way to handle the bad addresses when returned mail is received? I do not want to simply delete the ...
James Bradach's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is effect of marking contact as deceased?

What is the effect of marking a contact as deceased? Does this automatically stop email traffic to the contact's email address
geoffp22's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Setting note privacy to groups instead of just author [duplicate]

[On Civicrm 5.19.1, Drupal 7] Is it possible within Civicrm to make a new privacy setting that limits viewing notes to an entire group, and not only the author? We would like all tarification people ...
eics's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

WordPress: Creating new WP Users from Civi Contacts

I've seen some example posts here for other CMS', but I haven't seen it explained for a WordPress environment. My situation is I have an Individual DB of 2,500 Contacts in Civi, and I want to turn ...
Adam Bell's user avatar
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1 answer

After upgrade to 4.7 on Drupal 7, Can't edit a contact

I get the following error and backtrace. If I disable the Formal title option in Admin Display Settings then I dont' get the error. Exception: "Unsupported html-element " #0 /home/saintfran/www/www/...
frTommy's user avatar
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1 answer

Add non-Primary email address to Group

I have contacts with multiple email addresses. I want to assign non-Primary to specific Groups, ie, Billing different than Main (Primary). Also, when using simple or Advanced Search, it doesn't find ...
BruceW's user avatar
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3 answers

How to clone a contact?

Just hit a few cases where it would be great to have a contact with exact same status eg event, member, relationship, contribution, and of course custom fields on contact and those other entities etc ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot edit prefix, suffix, first name or last name of new or existing Individual

After upgrading my CiviCRM to 4.6.4 (& 4.6.6 after that in trying to fix this problem) I cannot see or edit suffix, prefix and first or last name of Individuals on the Contact Screen. Even when ...
stoolhog's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

CSV file import problem with file from Mac MS Office

I am trying to import contacts as .csv file, however when I try to upload it I get an error message saying that the input file must be in a CSV format - which it is! I'm using a Mac and I've read that ...
Milla's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why do deleted contacts cause errors?

I deleted a bunch of contacts because I imported the wrong data pertaining to them. I then imported it again, with the right data and it wouldn't let me because of "duplicate" contacts. However I ...
SproutMediaLab's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Uploading null email address

Is there a way to overwrite a Contact's email address with a null value? I tried uploading contact info (via: Import Contacts) with a blank email field, but this doesn't override an existing email ...
Peter Dodge's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Enabling 'New Organisation' button for Current Employer field in View Contact

We recently upgraded to CiviCRM 4.7.19 on Drupal 7.52 and for some reason the New Organization button isn't appearing when searching for an unknown organization for a contact's current employer. I can ...
mhawksey's user avatar
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2 answers

Something is seriously wrong with CiviCRM - Replicating Contacts

Wordpress 4.7.5 & CiviCRM 4.7.19 My contact is replicating in our system, to the point there were 700+ records with just my email and name. I am not sure what is happening but I have some ideas. ...
themak's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

field like "Current Employer" that creates new organization and relationship

Is there a way to create in a new custom field the functionality in an Individuals "Current Employer" field? For example, trying to create a generic "Organizational Affiliation"... How to create the ...
alec's user avatar
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0 answers

Using CiviCRM + S3 for ~10M contacts

We're planning to use CiviCRM for a large number of voters (~10M voters). Most of these voters will never be contacted and so we don't need all of them in CiviCRM. We'd like to store these contacts in ...
Gufran Pathan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Deduping between Individuals and Organisations

An issue that's come up while we've been cleaning up our records for GDPR - we have a significant number of records where organisations have been entered as individuals, and vice versa. This is ...
liblogger's user avatar
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1 answer

Contact Types Not Updating in Main Menu

When editing or adding Individual and Organization contact types the main menu doesn't update the contact type text. For example the options under Contacts > Individuals > are still New Student, New ...
Shannon Soper's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

DBError and Network Error when saving phone numbers to contacts

In our organization's new civi database, we are unable to add phone numbers to contacts. I've tried keying in the number and importing a contact with a number. (It took me hours to figure out that it ...
Phil Morice Brubaker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

relationships no longer working as expected - data corruption?

Yesterday I asked a question that I thought expressed the problem I was having, but this morning as I tried to implement a fix, I realized that this CiviCRM site has a more serious problem. There is a ...
kapn's user avatar
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1 answer

Search Builder Smart Group with Latitude, Street Address criteria 1292 Truncated DB Error

CiviCRM 5.9.1. Issue has occurred since an upgrade from version 4.7.17. The Smart Group/Contact Group in question is built on two simple search builder criteria: Contacts Primary Street Address is ...
joegl's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Change Household contact to Organization contact

A staff member added quite a few contacts as Households but they should have been added as Organizations. I can find no form control to switch the contact type to Organization. Can you suggest a ...
P a u l's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get a CiviCRM popup form (eg create new Group / Tag etc) working via a Drupal link

We wanted to let a Drupal user 'create new group' in civicrm without needing to go in to CiviCRM itself. Clues from here suggested we might be able to do it without using API etc. The suggestion was ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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0 answers

Different Schema / Database in Multisite

We're planning to use CiviCRM for a large number of voters (~10M voters). This questions is related to the one here. We were wondering if it's possible to split these 10M voters into different schemas....
Gufran Pathan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there an Import option to allow overwriting fields with null (empty)?

I'm trying to do a bulk tidy-up of Address fields in CiviCRM 4.7 by exporting the data, manipulating it in a spreadsheet and re-importing it. This involves moving some values around between postal ...
David Hepper's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

After upgrading to 5.20.0 - unable to edit or enter contact email addresses- "Email is not valid."

Just upgraded from 5.19.2 to 5.20.0. Upgrade appeared to run through without a hitch.Joomla! 3.9.13, php 7.3.12, mySQL 5.7.28 Now, when editing existing email address, or when entering new contact ...
Jern's user avatar
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Creating a relationship when filling in a Profile (Revisited)

I am reposting this ticket from 5 years ago because I really need to be able to do the same thing using CiviCRM 5.39 and Wordpress 5.8. Does anyone know if this is possible now, perhaps using an ...
kales's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the difference between Job Title and employer relationship description?

The "Current Employer" field seems to be a helper for entering a "Employee of" relationship. Fair enough (although presumably designed back in the good ol' days when the majority of people only had ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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API4 PHP Fatal error Uncaught API_Exception Authorization failed

So I was happily programming and testing away, and everything was working and then suddenly I started getting this error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught API_Exception: [0]: Authorization failed thrown ...
jsherk's user avatar
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1 answer

Restricting access to a group of contacts

I've done some searching, but can't seem to hit the right keywords. I'll pick on the major donor group for this question, though it would apply in other ways. Most of our users should have access to ...
G H's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I bulk delete contacts?

Is there a way to bulk delete contacts? I don't see a way out of the box of civicrm to select contacts individually form a report or search result, the way that views bulk operations does in drupal (...
Yuri's user avatar
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2 answers

Contact Names showing up on Google Search even when they are not public

All of our contact first name & last name are appearing visible on our site even when they have requested not to be. It is pulling their contact id and putting it into a public directory drupal ...
Danielle Siembieda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WordPress - user record URL doesn't show for one user. Can't see why?

In the user detail view for a member with a WordPress account there's usually a link to the WordPress user record like so: Contact ID / User ID : 1354 / 1561 For one member the user ID doesn't ...
Chris Carey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

after upgrade, can't edit Contact Details fields (Custom Addressee and de-selected subtypes errors)

I've just updated a Joomla 2.5.28 site from an older version of CiviCRM (4.4) to the latest 4.7.29. Now I can't edit any of the fields under the "Contact Details" pane for existing records. There ...
minbori's user avatar
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1 answer

Bulk Delete of Spam Contacts and related Drupal Users

I've a list of 8K+ CiviCRM contacts that have been deemed spam/unwanted. I am looking to clear them from CiviCRM, along with their related Drupal users. I've found and tested this module: https://...
Derek's user avatar
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