Questions tagged [contributions]

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0 answers

New Contribution

After I add a new contribution, and select a Finance Type for it, when I view it, the Financial Type shows a different one under "Contribution Amount" section while it displays correctly at ...
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What is the correct method to alter the source field value in Contributions?

I want to alter the contribution source field so that I can add custom data in the pattern shown below [Payment Type] - Online Payment - [Contribution Page title] I am planning to use hook_civicrm_pre ...
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1 answer

How to Contribute on behalf of an individual instead of organisation for Member Dues?

Under Contribution Configurations, I see "Allow individuals to contribute and/or signup for membership on behalf of an organization?" checkbox is available by default, is there any way we ...
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Contribution page with cookies blocked just reloads on submission - is this expected behaviour?

We recently had a donor call our office who was having trouble donating online ( It turned out they had blocked cookies in ...
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Importing Contributions - Data errors

Hope you are all keeping well in this strange times! We are currently trying to import some contributions in into the system from a CSV file (updating) but can't get past an error that is coming up. ...
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1 answer

Issue importing multiple contributions for same contact

I am trying to import multiple contributions for a contact. I am using the following fields for the import: contact ID, total amount, date received, and financial type. Civi will only import the ...
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Error "Could not find a valid session key" after contributions are made

Recently in the past we did do a migration from a development site to production and I'm not sure if we were having the issue before migration or not. Every time someone makes a contribution they ...
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Drupal 8 account creation using email in contribution page

Drupal 8 + CiviCRM. I am using email registration module to register with email address only, not the username. I have added Drupal account creation form in contribution page from CiviCRM profile ...
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I am creating a new contribution page but am stuck because it keeps saying a supporter profile is mandatory

I am on http://civicrm.test/civicrm/admin/contribute/pcp trying to create a supporter profile solely because the form doesn't seem to want to save unless I do so. I have put "supporter profile&...
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1 answer

Cannot Record Payment to a Contribution in Pending Pay Later Status (WordPress 5.0.10, CIVICRM 5.21.2)

I was testing the Record Payment function in the following manner: Click Contribution under Contact A Click "Record Contrirbution" Create Contribution, set Status to "Pending (Pay ...
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2 answers

Is there a way to track the date the pending payment record was created once payment has been completed?

I create a pending contribution for a membership with the received date of 1st July. I then go in and complete the contribution on the 7th of August. I cannot find where in Civi the original pending ...
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Pie Chart in contribution report showing the total in last bar

The pie chart on contribution report summary shows the amount of contributions of each months but adds the grand total of all contributions on the last month. Strange. Is there a mean to avoid this ? ...
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Contributions with Frozen Financial Type Field

I'm finding that some contributions do not allow financial types to be changed. Normally there is a dropdown that allows a user to select a different financial type, but sometimes the field is frozen (...
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1 answer

Multiple item tax sub-totals are shown incorrectly on confirmation pages and emails

We have a site with tax and invoicing enabled on contribution settings. Drupal 7 civi 5.24.6 Where there is just one item to purchase on a page. The totals and subtotals appear as expected... Payment ...
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4 answers

What is a line item? And what is a financial item and how are those two linked together?

I have created an extension to generate invoices (contributions) based on time spend on activities on a case. For each activity a line item was created and added to the contribution. Also the ...
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Record a new contribution to several contacts selected, for example, using search contacts by group

is possible to record a new contribution to several contacts selected, for example, using search contacts by group? I don't think so, but I'm surprised by it. The closer approach is import CSV data or ...
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2 answers

Sending invoices to members in bulk

Is there any solution that can bulk email invoices to the members? For example a combination of the two features below: Email invoice: ...
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Copy/Duplicate a Contribution

I've been requested to add a feature to our installation that allows an admin to copy or duplicate an existing contribution, including all it's custom fields. I was wondering if anyone has tackled ...
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Delete multiple Contributions

I'm not 100% sure, if the next process is safe or not, so first of all, I ask... In my company's CiviCRM are more than 3900 Contributions, which should be deleted. These Contributions can be listed ...
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Can a registration fee credit towards a future event be recorded in Civi?

Civi Version 5.19.4, Drupal. We run two (in person) conference/trade show events each year. Participants register (mostly) online. We are converting our most recent, already rescheduled once, event ...
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Customizing the display of Recent Contributions on Contribution > Dashboard

I would like to be able to display a contributors assigned/chosen Campaign on the Recent Contributions dashboard: Any way to customize these dashboards? Thanks, E
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Who's getting the contribution between different levels of relation?

I (still & again) have a complex webform with individual related to sub-types of organization (more information here) and even though the memberships goes to organization, the individual is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why does searching by contribution source use always the "Like" statement?

I'm currently using CiviCRM 5.21.1. When I try to search for contributions by typing specific "Contribution Source" under "Contributions -> Find Contributions", it shows me all contribution records ...
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Can you change Pending (Incomplete Transaction) to Pending (Pay Later)?

Is it possible to change pending transactions from incomplete to pay later? Without editing db?
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Import Contribution - last step no longer goes to 'Summary / Error' report

We recently updated to CiviCRM 5.23.1 In the prior version when running it would run through the 4 documented stages 1. Upload Data 2. Match fields 3. Preview 4. Summary But in 5.23.1 the ...
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Non deductible value incorrect if you choose a nondeductible membership type and make a donation at the same time

If you add a donation field (financial type 'donation' which is deductible) to a membership price set that includes membership types that are nondeductible, and then use that price set for a ...
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1 answer

API Contributions and Payments

I'm using the API to create Contacts start Memberships through a signup form. We are offering 1-year memberships at various price points, and I have those set up in CiviMember. My code successfully ...
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Alert for expiring cards for recurring contributions?

We are on CiviCRM 5.18.2 and are running the agileware eway recurring payments extension. Has work been done on alerting admins when the expiration date of a card is approaching? How is this ...
5 votes
1 answer

All Contribution pages result in "Your browser session has expired" "Could not find a valid session key"

Currently on: Wordpress 4.7.2 CiviCRM 4.7.16 As I am making changes here and there on this clean Civi install with a migrated database, I noticed when submitting all contribution pages result in, "...
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2 answers

Joining fee for new memberships

I’m looking for an elegant way of implementing a joining fee for new members. The joining fee is different for each membership type and is payable in addition to the normal annual membership fee. ...
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1 answer

Searching by 'Contribution Source' gives no results CiviCRM 5.21.1

I currently cannot search using the 'Contribution Source' field within advanced search. I can however use the field successfully within the 'Find contributions' search. Is this a bug?
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How do I record partial payments?

My client frequently needs to record partial payments for events and memberships. When I open the transaction history, I don't see a way to record the partial payment. In fact, all registrations ...
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How do I edit the contribution confirmation page

How do I edit the contribution confirmation page? I need to change the text so that the instructions are consistent with the buttons
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3 answers

Update Multiple Contributions with Missing Attributes via Search Builder?

We have 300 or so contributions that are missing a custom field. We want to manually update those records. We are running a search for contributions that have a custom field but are missing the ...
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1 answer

Showing Financial Transaction Data with Contributions

I have created a drupal view of contributions. In this view i want it to show: Date Contribution Created (CiviCRM Contributions: Date Received) Financial Type (CiviCRM Contributions: Financial Type) ...
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2 answers

Late membership renewal fees

Is there a mechanism to charge users extra when they renew their membership after it has expired, e.g. extra 20% if paid after half year, extra 50% if paid later?
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Applying part of a contribution to a Participant Payment

We often have participants for an event who have a portion of their fee paid by another entity. Sometimes, the other entity pays for more than one participant in the same transaction. I realize that ...
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2 answers

Import donations from an external source using Form processor

We have a customised platform where we have been receiving donations before moving to CiviCRM. This platform will continue to be in use. We would like to import all the donations and the contract ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to access contribution tokens in hook_civicrm_tokenValues?

I’m trying to make a custom token to present grouped donations in a thank you letter in a friendlier format. If I use the ‘Group contribution by contact’ option the {contribution.total_amount} and {...
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3 answers

How to generate a report excluding recurring contributions?

Is there any way to get a report, ideally something like the Contribution Summary report, which allows you to filter by recurring or non-recurring contribution? It would be quite useful to be able to ...
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3 answers

Invoice Monetary Format

I'm not really good in any sorts of programing, haven't used smarty before. I want to change the monetary format in our Invoice. {$amount|crmMoney:$currency} This code displays $1000.00, but I need $...
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1 answer

DB Error: no such field -- for new contribution page

Trying to create a New Contribution page, this is the message I get: "Sorry, due to an error, we are unable to fulfill your request at the moment. You may want to contact your administrator or ...
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3 answers

Need Input on Use of an Aggregation in the Data Processor Extension

I need to create a report with a list of all donors, the total that they've contributed over the last 12 months, when their last membership expired, and a couple contact items like email address. (If ...
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0 answers

Can Omnipay ( Paypal Checkout ) be used with membership signups / contributions using a CiviCRM Webform?

I've been able to setup and configure Omnipay using Paypal checkout without issue. However, I seem unable to use it with Civicrm webform to take membership payments. The only reference to it can ...
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1 answer

Which payment processor to use for the new 'Paypal checkout'?

A while ago there was a announcement that CiviCRM now offers "PayPal Checkout". Which payment processor should we be using to utilise Paypal checkout? In the list of Paypal payment processors on ...
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1 answer

Thank-you letter incorrect contribution currency

My setup: CiviCRM 5.20.0 on Drupal 7. I entered contributions in different currencies. In Find Contributions, check some entries. At Actions select Thank-you letter print or email. I put tokens ...
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1 answer

Contribution form issue: cannot submit donation

It's Giving Tuesday and this donation form on my client's website won't allow credit card donors to submit their donations :o
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Warning: A non-numerical value encountered in CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution

Why did I get this warning when entering contribution? Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::calculateMissingAmountParams() (line 383 of /sites/all/modules/...
2 votes
2 answers

How do I make "on behalf of" user proof?

There is no nicer way to say this. My client's end users couldn't follow instructions if they were tattooed on their hands. It's time to renew memberships. All members are organizations, so all ...
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1 answer

Change logo for specific contribution pages

I have several contribution pages on CiviCRM and I would like to set a different logo for specific contribution pages only. Is this possible at all? Thank you.

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