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1 vote
1 answer

Theme for Civicrm / WordPress?

Old question I am aware. Any new answers? Latest WordPress and CiviCRM installed. So I'm reading that picking a theme that is mostly CSS and little JS is the way to go with compatibility in mind for ...
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Civi 5.6.0 - wrong css z-index on Activities page when creating/viewing activity

CiviCRM 5.6.0 Joomla 3.8.12 php 7.0.32 On the activities tab of a contact, when you create or view an activity, the panel which pops up is displayed behind the black CiviCRM menu bar, and also behind ...
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1 answer

How to override CSS in SearchKit results

I'm using WordPress 6.6.2 (self-hosted) and CiviCRM 5.76.2. I'm exposing a SearchKit result as a grid, and I want to do some styling on the result. As suggested in
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2 answers

HTML Code for Page

I have a Contribution Page that acts as a member sign-up page without contributions. I'm trying to find the HTMl code so that I can change the CSS to look appeal to my companies theme on the webpage. ...
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1 answer

CiviCRM SearchKit Field Style

I have built a table in SearchKit and I want to colour the rows based on a person display name. Whilst the available styles are useful I would like to expand these to have more colours available I ...
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Is there a way to use css pagination / repeating elements with dompdf?

Is there a way to use css pagination with the current version of dompdf shipped with CiviCRM? Like: @page :footer {content: "page " decimal(pageno);} The issue is that I want some content ...
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How to set individual border-radius property value for mosaico blocks?

I would like to set border-radius for a specific block like "border-radius 10px 10px 20px 30px;" How can I add that in the mosaico template? I know it's possible to use -ko-border-radius: @[...
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2 answers

Change size of event title on wordpress front end info page

I found this and tried this #crm-container .crm-title h1 { font-size: 8px; margin: 0; padding: 4px; font-weight: bold; color: #fff; } into [civicrm.files]/css/extra.css but I dont really know what I'...
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2 answers

Css not loading causing the dashboard not loading correctly

The error in question is as follows: Refused to apply style from 'mysite/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/persist/contribute/dyn/crm-menubar.e7a0463626d3eb2004ca8b83b4b12bad.css' because its MIME type ('...
3 votes
1 answer

How to style public profiles, forms, and registration pages?

We use wordpress and CiviCRM. Profiles on registration forms and the likes seem to be formatted weirdly. Most forms I see used on the interwebs are stacked, meaning label is above field which makes ...
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Styling issues on searchkit display

We are currently running CiviCRM 5.41.2 and using Shoreditch 1.0.0-beta.9 with Shoreditch CiviAdmin Companion Drupal theme as the admin theme. I used a SearchKit List Display and Afform to create a ...
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1 answer

Editing RelationshipSelector.tpl section of a UserDashboard

I'm trying to edit the table row content of the "Your Contacts / Organizations" section of the UserDashboard: It appears that this section of the UserDashboard is controlled by the ...
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2 answers

Make CiviCRM dashboard full-width

This used to be achieved with the code linked but since the dashboard code was heavily revised in Civi 5.33+? the old code doesn't work. Ref: ...
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1 answer

How does one override print.css (Drupal 7 / CiviCRM 5.36.x)

This is referencing a Drupal 7 website with CiviCRM 5.36.x When CiviCRM prints from a modal it invokes print.css which lives in /sites/all/modules/civicrm/css/. It does not invoke any other theme ...
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1 answer

Drupal 8/9 Compilation Install Error

I'm getting thiis error, when I try to install civicrm on Drupal 8 and 9 The following packages have new compilation tasks: civicrm/composer-compile-lib has 1 task civicrm/civicrm-core has 1 task ...
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1 answer

How do I change the layout and style of a contribution page displayed on a wordpress website?

I've got premium options included which display as toggle framed text and not with tick boxes (which I want) and it's using Times as the default font (which I don't want). Also, I need the Profile ...
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Civicrm is not reading my custom css file (WordPress)

I put a custom css file in [custom.files]/custom/ (wp-content/uploads/civicrm/custom/) and it is not being read. I tested the same test entry in the civicrm/civicrm.css and it works there. The entry ...
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2 answers

How do I disable civicrm.css on public pages in Drupal?

I have the following in my template.php file, in my custom theme: function shriver_css_alter(&$css) { unset($css[drupal_get_path('module','civicrm').'/css/civicrm.css']); } It doesn't work, ...
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1 answer

CSS problems on Contact Notes View modal dialog

When viewing or editing a note attached to a contact, the dialog window displays the note content shifted far to the right. This is a new problem, but I'm not sure if it's a result of installing a WP ...
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1 answer

Civicrm - Joomla Backend forms width

we have just started to use Civi for our organisation, but now we are expieriencing some strange layout problem in the backend. All the forms seem to have a fixed width, and i have no idea where to ...
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1 answer

How do I hide a div tag for a specific event or contribution page?

I would like to hide a specific div tag for a specific event or contribution page ID. I am not good with JS. So prefer CSS display:none; method. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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Can't seem to find the correct CSS selectors for public buttons - contributions pages (Save, Cancel and Review Your Contribution)

Does anyone have the correct CSS Selectors for these 3 buttons? I want to remove the icons (they don't display on all browsers) and change the overall style of the buttons to match buttons on the rest ...
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1 answer

How to adjust the column width of an item on a contribution receipt?

As it can be seen from screenshot below, the "QTY" column is too close to the "Donation amount" and often times it can be mistaken as "1081" instead of "108". Is there a way to adjust the column width ...
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1 answer

I have an uncorrect css path in the front-end html code

I am using CiviCRM 5.18.3.with Joomla! 3.9.12 and I can not solved a path problem within the html page where "/components/" should be replaced by "/administrator/components/" (see below). It works OK ...
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1 answer

How to CSS style price set checkbox?

I need help styling my priceset checkboxes on a contribution pages. I was able to style it, but when any of them are selected, the checked item doesn't show activated as per my css color. It maybe a ...
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2 answers

Recurring contributions frequency label ("every month") is unstyleable - looks bad

If you set up a contribution page to accept recurring contributions, the label for this option on the page is "I want to contribute this amount FREQUENCY" where FREQUENCY is from the contribution page ...
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2 answers

When adding CSS in civimail (under source) getting an error when trying to see or send test

Trying to use my own custom html e-mail in CiviMail with custom CSS in it (specifically to optimize on mobile). When I have the CSS stylesheet info on top I cannot send a test email or preview in HTML....
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0 answers

Civicrm on Drupal: broken JS and CSS or Asset Caching enabled

If I enable asset caching in CiviCRM everything works fine. If I disable it, the administration menu is gone from the top to a list that's beneath the page content and a lot of JS is broken too. The ...
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1 answer

How to modify System workflow message with a modern look Header?

I would like to add some fancy CSS and HTML in the system workflow messages. I know there’s a section to add a header logo. But I was wondering if there’s an ideal way to make the entire format ...
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2 answers

CiviPledge custom styling

In which file can I find and edit CiviPledge CSS styling to make the form look more in line with the rest of my site? Thanks!
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Civicrm with Nginx and Joomla - resource URLs and configuration file

Joomla 3.9.2CiviCRM 5.11.0 If I set up nginx to not protect the custom files directory, CiviCRM gives a warning that some files are downloadable. Fair enough. But if I set up nginx to protect the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can you restrict Shoreditch from injecting CSS on Public pages with CiviCRM content?

As the title says - can you restrict Shoreditch from injecting CSS on Public pages with CiviCRM content? For example - do a fresh install of Drupal, CiviCRM and Shoreditch - choose any public theme - ...
5 votes
3 answers

Anyone else seeing an overlapping admin/civi menu bug with Joomla 3.8.13 and CiviCRM 5.6.0?

After an upgrade to Joomla 3.8.13 and Civi 5.6.0 the Joomla admin menu dropdown is stacking under the Civi menu. I can't reproduce on as even if the versions weren't ...
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0 answers

Edit Component on webform

How to change component style,there is cssclass in component edit, we don't know where to write the class. Any help please.
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2 answers

Adding CSS to extra tpl file

I've added CSS to a Summary.extra.tpl file to change reports. But the CSS does not apply. Adding the CSS by itself crashes the report (character encoding issue) so adding the {literal} tag is what I ...
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2 answers

Setting Select2 widths

We have a number of forms that have items on them using the built in Select2 support. They aren't quite wide enough; annoyingly so. For the default selection, you can see the membership type and the ...
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1 answer

Styling Contribution pages with buttons

Some users may want to display Price Set options as standard buttons rather than as radio buttons. I am sharing my CSS for this below. See how it looks here (Joomla).
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1 answer

location of civicrm.css on Joomla

I just upgraded to 5.8.0 and quickly noticed that my contribution pages didn't look the same. Using an html inspector the page is using just css from the joomla template and not civicrm.css. Looking ...
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4 answers

How do I disable custom css on frontend with Wordpress?

I currently have a custom CSS file specified in Settings > Resource URLS. In this CSS file I override some civicrm.css styles to make the CiviCRM admin screens look a little more like the Wordpress ...
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1 answer

back-end checkboxes not displaying after switch to Shoreditch

After switching to the shoreditch theme, the checkboxes on our back-end site are not displaying appropriately in all situations. When listing Contacts from a search, the checkboxes that should be in ...
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1 answer

CiviCase css problem (Joomla version) after upgrade to 4.7.14

There is a problem with css class "label" in CiviCase. This affects the CiviCase dashboard and custom fields in the Case view panel. I think this only affects the Joomla version of CiviCRM 4.7.14.
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0 answers

Formatting search queries from Civi

Can anyone tell me where I can find the php or css that affects how search profiles are formatted? I want to alter how it looks on the webpage because it clashes with the flow of the website. Any ...
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CiviCRM CSS doesn't appear to be used when viewing live pages

I'm evaluating CiviCRM in Wordpress. When I view test pages, the layout looks fine. But when I view live pages, it often looks quite different and worse than the test. In some cases, it's completely ...
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Contribution form looks different on live site

I'm using civicrm 4.7 on a 3.6.5 joomla site with the LT Charity Template. The field on my contribution page looks different from the page when I do a live preview. I researched the issue and I ...
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How do I modify properties (container width and column widths) of the New Individual Form/Box

I'd like to know which file(CSS?), and within the file which element/variable etc. I can edit to adjust the properties of the New Individual Container/Form. I'd like to do 2 things: 1 -Make the ...
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1 answer

CiviCRM Profile Forms: Label and TextBox on the same line

Need your help....I have a form (created via a profile) which contains textboxes with labels...The default view shows the textboxes below their respective labels...Is it possible to show the textboxes ...
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1 answer

After upgrade to 4.7.23., icons do not show (Civicrm on WordPress) (SOLVED)

As you can see in the picture below, icons do not show. They are missing on all pages, also on buttons. This does not change after emptying cache and rebuilding the menu. I've also checked the ...
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1 answer

How do I get my contribution form fields on the same line

I have bootstrap Joomla theme and it is changing the format of form fields. I understand that this is a CSS issue but my question is how can I get my live contribution page to look like the test page ...
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2 answers

How to load custom css into admin popup boxes?

Many admin functions in Civi send the user to Ajax popup boxes. Eg on the Contact screen, Membership > Add membership, Events > Add Event... and many many more through the system. What is the best ...
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2 answers

Getting CiviCRM resources to load on the Joomla frontend

I have created an Event in CiviCRM and it all worsk fine in the Administrator side of Joomla when I test the Online Registration page. I have a price set of various ticket prices and the total adds up ...