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2 answers

help with creating new summary field

I'd like to add a field for average contribution in the "summary fields" extension - I know I can divide total contribs by count but the staff at my org can't manage this. I also know that ...
Greta's user avatar
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How to create new custom page in civicrm?

I need to create a new custom page in civicrm for whatsapp integration. I need a page to show the whatsapp template listing. How to do this in civicrm?
Akhil Raj's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i create a custom page size using backdrop

I am using backdrop with civicrm 5.65.0 and need to create a custom page size so that i can then create a mailing label for a 6"x4" label printer. Please help. I cant find anything that ...
Dan's user avatar
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1 answer

SearchKit - Can't figure this out - works until I add a second join

I asked a question about CSV downloads and was suggested to look at SearchKit to make this work. I have a SQL command that works, but just lists the contents. select civicrm_registered_dogs....
Norm Dressler's user avatar
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1 answer

CSV Download from a custom pop up

I have a function that lists score for a dog: <h3>Your Dog's Scores</h3> {crmButton href="#" class="button-name" title="Download CSV" icon="icon-class-...
Norm Dressler's user avatar
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Unsure how to install Open Sans font

I’m trying to make Mosaico my go-to instead of MailChimp. Our organisation is big on branding conformity and I have to use Open Sans for our newsletters. Is there a simple way to install that font for ...
Paul Bertrand's user avatar
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Custom logic for fields

One of the requirements for a project was for the system to generate a unique ID for each of the members coming in. The logic of the unique ID is slightly complex. The unique ID will take the first ...
Cas's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the custom field "Link" type not displaying as a link?

Is there a reason that the "Link" custom field type is displaying as an Input field instead of rendering an A tag with href? I want to the Link type to render a link as a link.
dsmith63's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add an action in the contacts list action drop down menu

I need to add actions in the contacts list drop down action menu. As an example, if I make a contacts search I got a contacts list result. Then on the contacts list I can choose an action like export ...
Bruno's user avatar
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2 answers

CRM.loadForm into div without popup

I create page where I want dynamically load different page into div. Jquery function CRM.loadForm dynamically load form, but it loads into popup. It is possible not create popup, but put the content ...
vitius's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't create quickform via CRM_Core_Form in my custom extension

I want to create page with form via my custom extension. I find this page in documentation: But when I create a class according to the ...
vitius's user avatar
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1 answer

CiviCRM Search page results - Custom template

Thank you in advance. I am looking for a way to create custom search result pages (perhaps through Smarty ?). We have heavily customised CiviCRM to work for our organisation needs and most of the ...
ArisK's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I add a link in main menu to view own contact summary?

For a registered user, he will need on WordPress to navigate through the WP top bar, go to his profile and then click on 'CiviCRM Profile' to access his own contact. The CiviCRM link in Breadcrumb ...
Guillaume Sorel's user avatar
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How to change what fields show as columns in the Search display screen

How can I change the fields in the list of all contacts to custom ones, and delete unnecessary ones?
Rustam's user avatar
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File type custom field to only allow images

I have created a file type custom field and discovered that you can upload any type of file on the field so I want to restrict the custom field to only upload image files. Is it possible?
Kurogami Dono's user avatar
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Change count in Custom Tab with table according to filtered data

I have filtered the data being shown in a custom group tab on contact page but I'm struggling on how to change the count being shown next to the tab name. Could anyone help me how? thanks
Kurogami Dono's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there Spreadsheets (samples) with Google Apps script to work with CiviCRM?

Has anyone heard of some CiviCRM contact or data import tools made with Google Spreadsheets / Google Apps Scripts that can be customized for specific use? I do a lot of various semi-automatic data ...
Aivars's user avatar
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Civicrm is not reading my custom css file (WordPress)

I put a custom css file in [custom.files]/custom/ (wp-content/uploads/civicrm/custom/) and it is not being read. I tested the same test entry in the civicrm/civicrm.css and it works there. The entry ...
Gerald Rudolph's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to add extended reports blocks to Contact Layout Editor

I asked a question about the Contact Layout Editor and how to add blocks such as memberships and contributions and have the answer so am posting here. I struggled to find out how to create a block for ...
user8292's user avatar
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Importing contacts into Civicrm

I am importing 350 contacts into Civi. This post says that you should always include an import identifier. I don't have admin access so I cannot create a custom field set. I was going to identify the ...
Phillip Money's user avatar
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Services from core contrib modules missing!!!! "The service xxxx has a dependency on a non-existent service xxx. " (with solution)

In this case it was webform. Webform services wouldn't load, I couldn't clear cache, clearing db caches manually wouldn't work. All I got was: [Thu May 07 14:37:33.174757 2020] [php7:notice] [pid ...
Neil Davis's user avatar