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CV Does Not Work From Cron

I am having an issue in Amazon Linux 2 where I can run cv commands from the command line but I cannot run cv commands from cron. For example: /usr/bin/php /usr/local/bin/cv api job.execute --user=...
Steve's user avatar
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Undefined constant "DRUPAL_ROOT" In civicrm.settings.php when running cv api job.execute

I'm trying to run cron with cv and I get this error. The site itself loads fine. $ cv api job.execute --user=admin In civicrm.settings.php line 97: Undefined ...
jphelan's user avatar
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Why does Drupal 9 complain when my CiviCRM cron runs?

I have a D9/Civi site and the main Civi cron is set up to run every 5 minutes using cv : /usr/local/bin/cv api job.execute --user=xxx --cwd=/home/xx/sites/default/web --quiet The cron job runs, but I ...
Graham's user avatar
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cron calling cv but not executing?

WP4.9.6 / CiviCRM 5.1.2 Having some issues with cron jobs using cv. I have a cron running with cli.php but that requires a password. I'm about to implement 2FA which breaks that approach. I've got ...
John Bradford's user avatar