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Advanced Search Exports Without Data

When using Advanced Search: Selecting Display Results As = Related Contacts + Employee of Selecting the Tags for the related Organizations The Search Results show 923 Individual Contact Records (as ...
1 vote
1 answer

CiviCRM Navigation Menu not displaying and UI is abnormal

Hi Fellows I am a newbie to drupal and civicrm I have just installed CiviCRM(5.48.1) on Drupal 9(hosted on Azure Linux VM). But I found out my navigation menu is missing and the UI is set a drupal ...
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1 answer

Sort (display) expense

I use the Expenses extension to keep tracking expense in my organization. It was ok when we had only few entries. But now we have more than 40. Is it possible to show newest on top and oldest on ...
3 votes
1 answer

Feature Request: Searchkit - new display format for representing diagrams

SearchKit and Formbuilder are impressively good at linking data from different entities and displaying them together. However, the display is so far limited to the view as table, list or grid. How ...
1 vote
1 answer

How Can I Get SearchKit to Display Upcoming Events

I want to display a list of upcoming events on our site. Can I do that using searchkit? Whatever I attempt to do seems to fail - for the record - we have atleast 20 upcoming events. If I remove the is ...
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0 answers

DIsplaying members with shortcode

I've never used civi before so I have no clue what I'm doing, but I need to create a new membership type with categories and display them on a page. I figured out how to add custom fields, so I used ...
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1 answer

CiviCRM menu not displaying properly or useably in wordpress

!( This is standard install of wordpress with the default theme, I've tried changing the theme and the settings in the Civicrm Admin Utilities plugin but to no avail. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to sort by column email and then column postcode

I am runnign civicrm 5.36.1. When I search for a list of contacts I am taken to a page listing all the contacts and fields which reflect the search parameters. I can reorder the list by clicking a ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to modify Relationships column display?

This is a new launch for an old question, see here and here. We want to modify the columns that are shown in the relationships result display and especially replace city and state/county rows by job ...
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How to disable nickname field

I'm trying to add an option to disable the display of nickname in the setting preferences. The checkbox is appearing but it doesn't work, when the option is not checked the nickname field shouldn't ...
1 vote
1 answer

Changing display on CiviCase search results

Currently, when I search using Find Cases on CiviCase, the results are displayed in 9 columns: Client, Subject, Status, Case Type, My Role, Case Manager, Most Recent, Next Sched., Actions. We don't ...
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2 answers

Contribution Amount not displaying on Contact

I am on civi v5.25 with Wordpress v5.5.3. After adding manual off-line contributions (no credit card) each with a different financial type to a contact, none of the amounts display on the contact's ...
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1 answer

Why are my CiviCRM queries rewritten to short links that do not work?

I'm running a Wordpress 5.5.1 site with a custom theme that was working fine until a few months ago. With no changes to the site other than plug-in and Wordpress updates, the CiviCRM-generated pages ...
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2 answers

Change the layout of CiviCRM > CiviCase Dashboard > Find Cases

I've only started trying to change some features of an existing CiviCRM database in a testsystem (using CiviCases). So I am still a beginner, I excuse myself if this is a silly question, and any hint ...
2 votes
3 answers

Invoice Monetary Format

I'm not really good in any sorts of programing, haven't used smarty before. I want to change the monetary format in our Invoice. {$amount|crmMoney:$currency} This code displays $1000.00, but I need $...
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1 answer

How can I include Employer in display name?

I have tried this but doesn't work. Can anyone suggest a correct token format please? Thanks {contact.first_name}{ }{contact.last_name}{ }{contact.current_employer}
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4 answers

How to create a modern looking contribution page?

I have just came across this webpage where they seem to using CiviCRM. But would have an idea how did they created the layout of this contribution pages? Wordpress drupal or something else? https://...
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0 answers

How to expose employer on individual dashboard without view/edit permissions?

On Joomla 3.9.1 running CiviCRM 5.8.1. When users are logged-in to the website, we have a page that displays their member dashboard. Under the Your Contacts/Organizations, most people have nothing ...
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0 answers

Contact SubTypes and Display Preferences

I'm really trying to utilize the core CiviCRM for my custom purposes by using the tools provided. I need to have a database of dogs with specific custom fields, that are related to an owner (Contact)....
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1 answer

Why are custom tabs not displayed correctly in contact summary?

My users have reported seeing custom tabs not displaying correctly in the contact summary screen. Instead of wrapping, the tabs display as below. I can't reproduce the problem, although I have seen it ...
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Change displayed value for customfield

I have a custom field of an individual that stores the ID of a group (as int). I would like to change the display of the field to show the actual name of the group instead of the ID (same as contact ...
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1 answer

How to make event registration form fields be displayed inline

At the moment, each field specified in a profile that is related to an event online registration form, has its own line, inside its own div. I want to be able to display 2 specific fields in the same ...
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1 answer

Event registration form - How to make one field appear only if another checkbox field was ticked?

In an event registration form, I have some fields which are only relevant in case the user have ticked a specific checkbox (another field). How can I make these fields appear only when he ticks this ...
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3 answers

using CiviCRM like Access?

I am new to CiviCRM. Is it possible for me to use CiviCRM like MS Access? I really don't need all the fields CiviCRM is offering. All I need is the fields shown as below: First Name Last Name State ...
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1 answer

Smart group interaction with "display results as" options in advanced search

I would like to create a smart group of Members by membership status and display that as 'Memberships' via the "Display results as.." field in the Advanced search. I want the Memberships display ...
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1 answer

Contribution pages look strange on mobile

We are having problems when viewing our contribution pages on mobile platforms, because of the width of the screen some of the text is shown on top of other text, making it hard to read: We have the ...
3 votes
1 answer

How Can I Remove "CiviCRM - " From Page Titles?

Via the Change Wordpress Title question I found that the page with the "civicrm" slug is what is used for content replacement by CiviCRM. If I want to remove the CiviCRM "prefix" to all the crm pages ...
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0 answers

Tab with Table - can I edit the layout or styling of the tab with table vier

Can I modify the layot of the Tab With Table "view"? So I have created a form using custom data fields, and selected the Tab with Table view. This works fine except when I look at a completd form ...
2 votes
2 answers

Groups and sub-groups display broken after upgrade to 4.7.10

Hi After upgrading civicrm to v4.7.10 from 4.7.8, it looks like the display of groups and sub-groups has changed and is not partially broken. The first group and has sub-groups is displayed showing ...
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1 answer

Update Reports not available after Upgrade to 4.7.10

After Upgrading to 4.7.10 from 4.7.8, it looks like the Reports have lost some of their features. The buttons for Preview Report, Update Report Save as Copy at are not displayed anymore. Here is the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Wordpress left column - sidebar

I've never run civi under Wordpress - (many times under Drupal and Joomla) and know NOTHING about Wordpress themes. How do I get it to look like the demo site ie no wp-admin menu and the Civicrm left ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to display Contact Summary address in an Activity Form?

I would like to display the address fields found in the contact summary tab (I'm thinking this is the inline location) in the new activities screen. Would also like for the fields to be editable as ...
6 votes
4 answers

Kid gloves and hotspot flagging

Is there a good (and simple :) way to have CiviCRM flag up when contacts may need to be handled with care (as a way of forestalling situations where we can never contact them again, ever)? Obviously ...