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How to create a drop-down list of Groups for a form?

Our organisation (a u3a) has many Groups. Each Group (apart from administrative Groups) has a Group coordinator. I have created a custom field ‘Coordinator of’ and would like the profile entry to be a ...
Camilla Jordan's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple group profile sign up

My organisation are moving over to CiviCRM. We currently offer a range of different newsletters about different themes and issues. I will obviously need a group for each theme, and I want to build a ...
Cozy4907's user avatar
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Individuals records in 1 group cannot be assigned to another group

Added more information to my question: Here is the situation. We are using WordPress and CiviCRM. We have Donors and Volunteers. With donations, we upload a CSV file for our new donors (new donors ...
Allen Pattiselanno's user avatar
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Is there a way to send an opt-in reminder (with a subscribe link to click) to people whose group status is pending?

I have the same problem that was described here in 2017: How can I chase up mailing list subscribers who don't confirm their opt-in? I am wondering if anyone has found a solution. To summarize the ...
Victoria H's user avatar
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"Notify when profile form is submitted" not working

I'm a beginner. I created some simple profiles to collect volunteer interests from new contacts. I specified a Group Name for "Add contacts to a group?" and specified a valid email address ...
ArloGueswith's user avatar
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group visibility missing options

I Would like to create groups "exposed publicy and for listings". Buit while the option is available in search-form under "Manage Groups", ist not available within the group ...
Markus's user avatar
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Can CiviCRM be managed as a group of companies, where there is a parent company of the group of child companies?

An example of this Group of Financial Companies, which is the Parent company, then below it, are the other daughter companies, but that each one is granted their independent clients and their ...
Dominican Cloud's user avatar
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Anonymous user filing out a profile unintentionally remove themselves from groups

When an anonymous user fills out a contribution or other form with a profile that includes the ability to select groups, the user may leave those checkboxes blank, like so: If the anynomous user ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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Advanced Search Using Custom Profile as Display View that Includes Groups Not Working after Upgrading to 5.9.0

After upgrading Civi from 5.3.1 to 5.9.0 (with drupal 7.61) any search results that use a custom display view (profile) does not work properly if that profile includes the groups or tags fields in the ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Limit the groups exposed in Group profile field

I'd like to use the Group field in a profile so people can sign up for our mailing lists. However, the Group field exposes ALL of our public groups, and I want it to to expose only the public MAILING ...
jgeurts's user avatar
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Profiles automatically adding to Groups

I am using CiviCRM 4.7.22 on Wordpress. In the profile creation advanced settings, we have the option of automatically adding the person to a specific group when they fill out the profile form. I ...
fdarn's user avatar
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Registration Form (profile) with selected groups only?

I try to set up a user registration form (for the Front End) using a profile. Within the profile the groups should be listed, but just selected ones, not all. I could not find a switch for this. Is ...
B e r t's user avatar
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How to programatically add an email to a newsletter?

I am migrating from MailChimp to CiviCRM with Sparkhost (seemingly a great option for installations on Bluehost or other hosts which don't support VERP.) I have a few places where the MailChimp API ...
Norris's user avatar
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Creating ACL for Smart Groups

Is it possible to create an ACL associated with a Smart Group? I'm attempting to create a members directory that is only accessible to members. I can't seem to get it working. Here's what I've done ...
Paul Dufresne's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify group information with a webform or a profile page (not accessing CiviCRM admin pages)?

I'm trying to give access to several users to a webform/profile to easily modify a group's information (e.g Name, Description, some custom fields) without accessing the CiviCRM admin pages. I haven'...
hgarcia's user avatar
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column group not displayed in profile

I created a new profile that includes the field group, but when I do an advanced search using this profile, the column group is not displayed. Why ? I need a list with name, group membership. If I ...
Marco Mapelli's user avatar
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Profile add-to-group feature doesn't work with petitions

In both the Contact Profile and Activity Profile, I've set the "Add new contacts to a Group" drop down to the desired group, but when contacts sign the petition they are added only to the Petition ...
BobS's user avatar
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How can I assign tag when certain profiles are submitted

Anyone who signs up online for a membership on our site must create a Drupal user account at the same time (advanced setting on profile used for membership sign up). This gives them access to member-...
JoAnne's user avatar
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My Subscribe to mailing list only works with logged in users

I've made a Profile that allows me to add someone to a mailing list from a html snippet. But only users that are logged into civicrm can finish the form, when you attempt to submit i get this error: "...
Jporter's user avatar
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3 answers

Can one change the order of Groups shown on a profile?

I would like to change the order of the set of groups that are displayed to a user. In my case, I'm working with Mailing List groups, and all five are set to "Public Pages" visibility. If they are ...
Daniel Ando Scholnick's user avatar