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Is there a way to send an opt-in reminder (with a subscribe link to click) to people whose group status is pending?

I have the same problem that was described here in 2017: How can I chase up mailing list subscribers who don't confirm their opt-in? I am wondering if anyone has found a solution. To summarize the ...
Victoria H's user avatar
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How to programatically add an email to a newsletter?

I am migrating from MailChimp to CiviCRM with Sparkhost (seemingly a great option for installations on Bluehost or other hosts which don't support VERP.) I have a few places where the MailChimp API ...
Norris's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify group information with a webform or a profile page (not accessing CiviCRM admin pages)?

I'm trying to give access to several users to a webform/profile to easily modify a group's information (e.g Name, Description, some custom fields) without accessing the CiviCRM admin pages. I haven'...
hgarcia's user avatar
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column group not displayed in profile

I created a new profile that includes the field group, but when I do an advanced search using this profile, the column group is not displayed. Why ? I need a list with name, group membership. If I ...
Marco Mapelli's user avatar
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How to create a drop-down list of Groups for a form?

Our organisation (a u3a) has many Groups. Each Group (apart from administrative Groups) has a Group coordinator. I have created a custom field ‘Coordinator of’ and would like the profile entry to be a ...
Camilla Jordan's user avatar
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Individuals records in 1 group cannot be assigned to another group

Added more information to my question: Here is the situation. We are using WordPress and CiviCRM. We have Donors and Volunteers. With donations, we upload a CSV file for our new donors (new donors ...
Allen Pattiselanno's user avatar
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group visibility missing options

I Would like to create groups "exposed publicy and for listings". Buit while the option is available in search-form under "Manage Groups", ist not available within the group ...
Markus's user avatar
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