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Honoree Profile not being respected, a Membership receipt contains Individual Profile fields

CiviCRM 5.74.4, Wordpress. The default Honoree profile contains only 4 fields: (First/Last name, email). This works well for Contribution receipts. However, Membership Receipts outputs the Individual ...
yurg's user avatar
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Allow donors to send a note for in honor / in memory donations

Our goal is to have a donation page where the donor enters their details, honoree details, and a note. The note is then sent to the honoree. In some cases, we would prefer a form that is set up for an ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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Is there a way to open the honoree section by default?

I would like to have the honoree section on a civicontribute page default to being open, instead of having the user find and click on the honoree title in order to see the fields. They could still ...
twowheeler's user avatar
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Honoree section not appearing on contribution page even though enabled

I have a website on Drupal 7 that is using the latest version of CiviCRM (5.13.4). I'm trying to set up a contribution page with an honoree section. The options appear when setting up the ...
Jade's user avatar
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Report on Memorial gifts made in memory of a person

I am new to CiviCRM. How would I run a list of donors and their contact information who have made contributions in memory of someone? Your help would be appreciated. Thanks. Felicia
Felicia Levine's user avatar
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How do you give in honor/memory of someone but acknowledge someone else?

In some other donation management software, it's possible to say, e.g., "I'm giving $100 in memory of my grandfather. I want my mother and uncle to be acknowledged." Has anyone tried to incorporate ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
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How do I add "honoree section" to new contribution form in the backend?

My "new contribution" form in the backend does not have an "honoree" section for manual entry. I am assuming it should be there (it is enabled on our online forms). How do I enable/expose this section?...
John Richardson's user avatar
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Honoree not created

I am testing a contribution form using the honoree profile and the contact added is not being saved or created. I am using CiviCRM 4.6.14 and WordPress 4.4.2. There are not errors through the ...
Dana's user avatar
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Soft credit / honoree info in a token for Thank You letters?

I have hunted and not found anything so I am assuming that this does not exist -- but thought I'd ask just in case. I'd like to be able to reference the soft credit / honoree information in Thank You ...
Laryn's user avatar
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What does the error mean when enable honoree in contribute I get an error CiviCRM 4.6.8

CiviCRM 4.6.8: When I enable honoree in contribute (even with the default setting: Honor type: "In honor of", "in memory of " and Honoree profile: "Honoree Individual " ) I get a warning: "warning ...
user2548919's user avatar
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Can Honoree type and name be inserted into the Contribution email receipt?

I feel like this might exist but I can't find it: What's the best way to insert honoree information in a thank-you letter to a donor? Especially for batch thank you letters.
Cullen McGough's user avatar
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Honoree Information - notify another person

I have a use-case for the Honoree section and I am unsure of whether it can be accomplished with the default functionality. We'd like to add additional fields to the "Honoree Individual" profile to ...
Laryn's user avatar
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