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kcfinder HTTP Error 500 on WordPress

I an getting an HTTP Error 500 when trying to use CiviEvent Event Name Badge Layouts and clicking on "Image (top left)" or "Image (top right)" fields, and after more investigation ...
Richard Keeble's user avatar
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KCFinder cannot show contents of image upload folder

This problem arose after upgrading to CiviCRM 5.76.2 on Drupal 7.101 on a production Linux host running Apache and PHP 8.3. When adding an image to a mailing (CiviMail) by clicking on "Browse ...
charlie's user avatar
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Images Do Not Work After Transfer

I recently migrated a CiviCRM install from WordPress to Drupal. I am having two problems with images that I am hoping someone can help me with. First, since migrating over nom images display. This ...
Steve's user avatar
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URL of images added by KCFinder are wrong

When I click Browse Server within the Image Properties modal, I can see the list of images (the URL is correct). However, after clicking on an image to be added to the editor, the URL becomes ...
marcelo2605's user avatar
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Drupal 8/9 htaccess Breaks kcfinder

There are other discussions on this but there does not appear to be a concrete solution. I am hoping that someone can help me with a solution and then I can also document this better. When I go to add ...
Steve's user avatar
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Browsing for images in the editor leads to an unexpected Error

I want to add an image in an email newsletter. However when I try to use the Browse Server button like: and unexpected error is thrown: The used versions are CiviCRM 5.32.2 and Drupal 7.77
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar
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Mailer uploads images but KCFinder unable to display (WordPress)

I'm considerably confused about what's happening with Mailer & images (initially, I thought the problem was related to Mosaico, but it's now disabled): weirdly, I can upload an image to a ...
mc_burger's user avatar
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CiviMail/KCFinder becoming nearly unusable

Following up on two earlier posts regarding the similar issues on Drupal - intolerable performance and changing the KCFinder folder. In our case we are running WordPress 5.1.1, CiviCRM 5.10.3, so it ...
Karl Rudnick's user avatar
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KC Finder - Uploading/browsing the images not working in CiviCRM 5.9.1

I am using CiviCRM 5.9.1 and Drupal 7.6 I am creating a new event. adding the image to it by using CKEditor. when I tried to browse images/ upload the image. The error is coming. Please refer to the ...
sharaths's user avatar
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Picture selection for CiviEvent name badge - KCFinder not useable

I am trying to configure name badges for CiviEvent events. When trying to configure the pictures, for upper left/right corner, an unformatted page opens and clicking on links like upload returns an ...
Andreas Klein's user avatar
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Backdrop authentication function missing

I am using Backdrop CMS 1.10.1 with CiviCRM 5.2.2 and I am having trouble with the kcfinder, when uploading and inserting images, both into CiviMail and CiviContribute. The initial problem was a 500 ...
Tanya Bouman's user avatar
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Error trying to upload an image in civimail on wordpress

We are getting a "Failed to write file" error popup when attempting to upload an image in civimail using KCfinder. This worked until about a month ago, and I don't what has changed. The files in the ...
twowheeler's user avatar
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KCFinder - Is there a way to allow the user to specify the upload folder? Or change the default?

We use images stored in Civi for our CiviMails and our events, and our site is getting nearly a thousand images in the default image folder, sites/default/files/civicrm/persist/contribute/images. (...
Andyg8's user avatar
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Unable to browse images on the CKEditor in the admin area

When I try to browse and upload images on the CKEditor in the admin area I get the error below. Can someone give me a clue? See the screenshot. WordPress 4.6.1, CiviCRM 4.7.9 Fatal error: Uncaught ...
Stoycho's user avatar
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How to access images on server for CiviMail

I added images to the server via CiviMail (KCFinder). But when trying to use the UI to insert an image and click "Browse Server" I receive an "Unknown Error". None of the images are displayed. I'm ...
Nina Gonzalez's user avatar
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Error 500 with KCFinder in CKEditor

I get an error 500 when trying to upload an image to server in CKEditor (for example when using print/merge document action), when the KCFinder new window opens. The URL called is : https://subdomain....
Florian Motteau's user avatar
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CiviMail - KCFinder upload issues - "You must be logged in with proper permissions", Chrome only

We are having some issues being unable to upload images to CiviMail. This only seems to happen on Chrome (52 on OSX, but perhaps not exclusively), while the same user has no issues in Safari. Seems to ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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settings_location.php - is there an example

I'm trying to browse images in wysiwyg editor (via the kcfinder) (for example Event description) but I get an error due to misconf. I hits the file civicrm/civicrm/civicrm.config.php which loads ...
Stoycho's user avatar
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KCFinder browser shows empty pop-up window. How to debug?

I've just upgrade a site, which as far as I'm aware was working fine, from CiviCRM 4.6.x to 4.7.8. Only now the file/image browser and file upload facility within the CKEditor (which I understand is ...
Graham's user avatar
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Kcfinder: Will not browse

In CiviMail 4.6.10 on Joomla 3.4.5, clicking on Browse Server button opens Kcfinder popup window. Kcfinder is contained in CKeditor insert image toolbar function. No images populate and internal links ...
BruceW's user avatar
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Since Drupal 7.4x I am unable to upload/browse images in civicrm

kcfinder is not allowing me to browse or upload images. I get this error: Sorry but we are not able to provide this at the moment. You must be logged in with proper permissions to edit, add, or ...
Yossi's user avatar
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