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Generate a link from custom fields

I am trying to integrate 2 prducts, but im not sure on how to do it. when a new contact is added i would like for a button/link to go to another page, which will then generate a digital pass using the ...
Dan's user avatar
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Civi with custom theme broke permalinks

I have a problem with Civi + my custom theme, and I can't figure out why this is happening and how to fix it. So, this is my site: Without civi everything is working fine, ...
Anton Karpov's user avatar
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How to direct users to the case they just created using FormBuilder?

I’m using FormBuilder to create cases. When the form is submitted, I want the user to find themselves in case they just created. I don’t understand well enough the syntax of internal pages’ links or ...
Itamar's user avatar
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How Do You Generate a Report for Number of Mail Clickthroughs and What The Most Popular Links Were For a Campaign

Here is the scenario: We send daily news updates, they are all assigned the same campaign. I want to be able to see what was the most clicked URL for a given campaign. Currently I have to export the ...
themak's user avatar
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link contacts to external systems

i have data on my contacts spread over different systems, among which civicrm. i do have keys of the external system in civicrm, e.g. an id 123. now, this key can be used to browse info on this ...
Kiara Grouwstra's user avatar
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CiviCRM & Wordpress remove links from recurring contributions section of front end user dashboard and related contacts dashboard

I desperately need assistance on something. I have a CiviCRM installation on a WordPress site. The issue is that on the front end User Dashboard under recurring payments, there are four links can be ...
Natasha's user avatar
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Cancel recurring payment link in the receipt is missing

When I enable 1 payment processor like stripe the cancel recurring payment link appears in the receipt. But as soon as I enable 2 payment processor the link disappears and only shows “this is a ...
Tapash's user avatar
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CiviCRM is defaulting to uppercase path

Somehow CiviCRM is wanting to use the path /CiviCRM (notice the case) instead of all lowercase civicrm. This has been fine until I upgraded to Civi 5.27 and now the civicrm?civiwp implementation ...
Brendan Spaar's user avatar
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is there a maximum number of links permitted in an outbound email?

Using WordPress 5.4 and CiviCRM Version 5.18.4. CiviMail has been working fine, mostly, using Mail(). This problem is seen when sending mail to an individual from their contact page, or when sending ...
David Hyman's user avatar
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Why are the web links in my scheduled email broken?

When I send a test email via CRM, the web links work perfectly. When the actual email is shared, it arrives in the recipient's inbox with none of the web links working. Could you
user7969's user avatar
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Social Media - Link Preview - Wordpress

So - here is the issue - link previews of CiviCRM pages have some issues. Any idea as to why this is? Example:
themak's user avatar
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After creating/saving an activity, re-opening it to edit won't allow links and drop-downs to be changed

We're using 5.4.1 on Wordpress 4.9.8 with php 5.6.34. The following issue seems to have started with 5.3.x and we still cannot solve it. When we create an activity, we include: a hyperlink in the ...
slbradio's user avatar
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Drop down state list

In preview for my petition, the drop down state list is showing options, but when I go to the actual petition the state list says "non found" I think a bug? CiviCRM 5.3.0
Cat Kutay's user avatar
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Live links are not working for Events

I am using Joomla 3.8.8 stable and CiviCRM 4.7.25 New or copied live event and payment links are being redirected to the homepage. Existing events work and go to forms.
Sailchoc's user avatar
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How to link profile field with multiple values?

I would like to create a link to a pre-filtered profile search. I have a field (custom_2) with multiple values. I was able to link using one value (ex id=2) suing this url: .../index.php?option=...
user1314302's user avatar
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how do I find a new page I just created so that I can link it on another page?

I just created a new Basic page, and I want to link to it on another page, but I can't find it when I browse for it in the Create Link option. I'm VERY new to this platform.
Rebecca's user avatar
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How to disable link tracking in emails?

We are having a problem with the click through links in the email templates. I need to see if it works if link tracking is disabled. Where can I turn that off? Thank you
fdarn's user avatar
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Problem with links & base page

I have Civicrm 4.7.20 installed on Wordpress 4.8. When I create a new event or contribution the link that Civicrm creates does not work. What Civicrm creates as a link: http://[mysite]/?page=CiviCRM&...
corsair's user avatar
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How am I meant to use $mask in hook_civicrm_links?

I don't really understand what the point of the $mask variable that is passed to hook_civicrm_links is. Can anyone explain it to me? PS I understand how to use the other variables and I might not need ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove 'view' link in reports?

Can't seem to find an answer. Exporting PDF and Print reports for event check-in sheet at the front door. Want to either remove the link or the default Last/First name column to stop the 'view' link ...
BruceW's user avatar
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Can custom tokens be used in Link data fields?

I want to create a custom field of type 'link'. Inserted into the link is a custom field token ({contact.custom_n}). I also want this link to open in a new window. I have tried to use the 'link' data ...
Martin Fuggle's user avatar
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2 answers

Contributions and Events

I have been trying to find a way on how to divide one fundraising event into three parts - because our event was supporting three different initiatives and we want to know which contact supported ...
Marinela's user avatar
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Links corrupt on send

I use our CiviCRM database to send out mailings to members. The mailings contain links to articles on our website. It has worked well for years but now when I press 'Send' the links in the email ...
Carol Thornton's user avatar
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Dashboard links do not open

The links on our donor dashboards do not open unless you right click and select "Open in a new tab". I am referring to the "View" "Edit" & "Cancel" links that appear with recurring donations. I ...
Iowa Boy's user avatar
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Integrating CiviMail tracked links with Google Analytics

I'm in the process of cleaning up our analytics tracking, and I've realised that one of the gaps we have is between the tracked links in our CiviMail mailings and Google Analytics. The main thing we ...
liblogger's user avatar
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image link in message template fails

Editing a custom message template and am trying to insert an image from the wysiwig editor. Link shows up as: <img alt="logotest" src="
GrannyKat's user avatar
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Unable to install v.4.6.x - Drupal7

I tried all the day to install version 4.6.x of CiviCRM on a brand new installation of Drupal 7.39, but each time I execute the installation here: http://<your_drupal_home>/sites/all/modules/...
Kesako Gozaimasu's user avatar
2 votes
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Upgraded to 4.6.7 and now the Register links in the Upcoming Events list block have a typo

We upgraded from 4.6.6 to 4.6.7 on Drupal6, and now the register links in the Upcoming Events block go to /civicrm/event/register?rest=1&id= (as shown in the screen shot below), instead of civicrm/...
Suzanne's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Why do 'track click through' links not redirect to correct address?

When I add links to external websites (such as to mailings and check 'track click through' the links go to a page on my website that says 'page doesn't exist'. The url is something ...
thomas jaunism's user avatar
1 vote
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Can hook_civicrm_links create links beside rows of a contact's Events tab?

I've looked at CRM/Event/Selector/Search.php to see it creating the View/Edit/Delete links, but am just unsure how to make this work. Can someone advise what the appropriate $objectName and $op should ...
Nicholai's user avatar
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