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2 votes
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Issue "Events" > "online payment" > Invalid integer part 100,00. Invalid digit

When trying to pay a event fee via online payment, we get error below when we submit the form: Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.Invalid integer part 100,00. ...
Wouter H.'s user avatar
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PayPal checkout not working after moving payment to the confirm screen for events

I am currently using Paypal checkout through omnipay for payment processing for civievents. I moved the payment processor to appear at the confirm screen rather than the register screen. After doing ...
user15536's user avatar
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Move payment for civievent to the confirmation page

Is there a way to move the payment options to the confirmation page for events? I am using the onmnipay extension to work with paypal checkout. In order to move on to the confirmation screen, the user ...
user15536's user avatar
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2 answers

Error when Paypal Checkout payment is processed

I'm setting up a membership form using a contribution page. I've installed the "Omnipay multiprocessor support" and have it set up for sandbox payments. When I complete the process and I'm ...
Nick Perkins's user avatar
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Omnipay extension - process_recurring returns error message

We're running the 3.15 Omnipay extension with CiviCRM 5.46.2 under Wordpress. Our hourly process_recurring job is returning an error as shown below and I was unable to find a reason. I set the debug ...
Todd Scott's user avatar
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Session variables destroyed while making contribution through webform in Drupal 8

I'm not sure this is the best place for this but really needing some assistance with this. Using Drupal 8.8.5 and CiviCRM 5.24.3 along with webform 5.9 and the latest version of webform_civicrm. ...
Aiden's user avatar
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Cybersource setup for recurring payments

We've configured cybersource using omnipay and it works fine for one-time payments. Is there any plans/alternative to make this payment processor work for recurring payments in civicrm?
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
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Paypal PCI Compliance

Should the Omnipay Paypal checkout option be able to pass Paypal's PCI compliance checks? I have a client with a Paypal account ( although this is a payments pro account ) which has been limited ( ...
EagleUK's user avatar
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Configure cybersource payment processor using omnipay extension

Has anyone configured Cybersource in civi using the omnipay extension? The setup from seems to add a new profile but ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to configure the MIGS Omnipay gateway?

I'm trying to combine MIGS and omnipay. Steps 1. Download omnipay 2.5 sudo -u apache wget
Interlated's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding NMI gateway with omnipay

Trying to add NMI integration to my CiviCRM using OMNIPAY. I added the GIT repository (tried and and added the ...
Netzih's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I use the Omnipay processor to audit missing payments?

I was told that I could use the Omnipay processor to detect missing payments. I've determined that I need the API action PaymentProcessor.getmissing, and I can call this with: wp cv api ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
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Fatal Error with Omnipay + Mollie

I'm trying to integrate payments via using the extension "Omnipay multiprocessor support" (version 1.9). I created a contribution page to test it, and I am using a test API key from Mollie....
AlainB's user avatar
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Exception: Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed in serialize() using CiviCRM with Omnipay & Mollie

I run into an error I cannot explain (I lack the skils) where I can use the help of the community. I;m trying to get the Mollie payment provider working with Omnipay Multiprocessor extension. When I ...
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the correct return from payment provider URL?

I'm developing a payment plugin for SwipeHQ (a New Zealand based online credit card processor) for my clients Drupal website running CiviCRM. Currently a user will make a purchase and be redirected ...
Aaron Cole's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Has anyone tried Stripe payments through OmniPay?

The Stripe payment processor extension works okay for the most part, but when there is an issue, it seems hard to get any answers or feedback. I am curious if anyone has tried integrating Stripe ...
Laryn's user avatar
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