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Granting access to find participants without also granting access to create/manage events

CiviCRM 5.75.6, Drupal 10.3.6. Trying to restrict access to create/manage events without also removing the ability to search for participants. Although "View event participants" is a ...
Lesley Carter - BackOffice's user avatar
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Intercept CRM_Core_Exception Object / "You do not have permission to access this content" if CiviMail: view public CiviMail content access disabled

Since public mailings access is disabled, we redirect visitors using .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/civicrm/$ [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^civiwp=CiviCRM$ [NC] ...
yurg's user avatar
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After migration, constant error messages but most things work?

Managed a mostly successful migration of our WordPress site to a new domain, along with CiviCRM — had to manually move its tables & update the pw, and then set up cron on the new server. ...
mc_burger's user avatar
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Drupal 10 error after installation of CiviCRM

Summary: Error in Drupal permissions page (admin/people/permissions/module/civicrm) after fresh install of CiviCRM 5.74.4: InvalidArgumentException: "0" is an invalid render array key. ...
remonds's user avatar
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specific permissions to view own user dashboard?

I am stuck trying to figure out permissions to allow a user to see the data on their own user dashboard. In Drupal, I have tried adding as many permissions as seemed possibly related: access Contact ...
Kristi Wachter's user avatar
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Tracking links in mailings redirect to login screen

Since I updated CiviCRM to 5.72.1 (from 5.69) and Wordpress to 6.5.3, the links in my Mosaico mailings (tracking enabled) redirect to the Wordpress login screen (for logged out users. Links work fine ...
Mowgli's user avatar
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With CiviCRM and Drupal, how can members view their own past contributions?

I'm migrating a site from Drupal 7 and Ubercart into Drupal 10 with CiviCRM (with CiviCRM Entity). The integration is great so far. In Ubercart, members had an Orders tab on their profile where they ...
Kristi Wachter's user avatar
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Limit Access to Form (Formbuilder)

I am currently familiarizing myself with FormBuilder. I see it is possible to limit access to a Form by ACL Permissions. But is there a way of limiting Access by group or even individual user? If not, ...
BennHi's user avatar
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Event registrations failing on 5.72.1 in Joomla with 'Could not find valid value for id'

On a Civi 5.72.1/Joomla 4.4.3 site, event registrations are failing since 5.72. I wondered if it was caused by this: which 'fixes' event listings in ...
Bryan's user avatar
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User error: "0" is an invalid render array key in Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children() (line 98 of core\lib\Drupal\Core\Render\Element.php)

After updating to Drupal 10.2.5 and CiviCRM 5.71.2 (or later) under IIS we get many similar errors like: User error: "0" is an invalid render array key in Drupal\Core\Render\Element::...
Stephen Palmstrom's user avatar
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Website is crashing

I am using CiviCRM (5.69.4) install on Ubuntu 22.04 and wordpress but I am having the website crashed with the following error. Appreciate your help. thrown in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/...
Moussa's user avatar
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ACLs and Permission to add to Groups

I am trying to setup our Civi with a horizontal and vertical permission structure for different departments and roles. By horizontal I mean what's configured in WP Permissions such as access to ...
BennHi's user avatar
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Which ACL is needed to view custom fields in search listings?

We want to display custom search results to our CRM users. We have enabled a default profile for search lists that combines core fields and custom fields. Admins see search results with all these ...
icaria36's user avatar
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Preventing some users from viewing/editing a specific sub-contact type?

I am using CiviCRM v5.66 on WordPress v6.4.2, and using using the WordPress Access Control. I have created a new Individual sub-type contact called MySubType. I have created a new WordPress role ...
jsherk's user avatar
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Form Builder Not updaing details

I have created a form in Form builder to enable a logged in user to update some details we have stored for them (their Gift Aid status). This displays via a short code in a wordpress page ([civicrm ...
John Knight's user avatar
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Permissions not saved

when trying to save permissions for user roles CiviCRM permissions(CiviCRM > Administer > Users and Permissions > Permissions (Access Control) > Wordpress Access Control), the permission ...
FullStack-Dev's user avatar
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Error saving role permissions in Drupal 10

On a fairly fresh installation I deactivated the Events component and get the following error when trying to save Drupal's user permissions: RuntimeException: Adding non-existent permissions to a ...
Jan's user avatar
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Drupal 9/10 Views requires 'View All Contact' permission even if 'Edit' ACL exists

I am recreating Views in Drupal 9 (well, 10 now!). Using CiviCRM 5.66 with Drupal Webform and the webform civicrm module etc. On my Drupal 7 site I have a Staff ACL group that has 'Edit' rights to see ...
ChumKui's user avatar
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Can't access SearchKit as non-admin

I can only access SearchKit as an admin. I have another role with the permissions "administer CiviCRM System", "administer CiviCRM Data", "SearchKit: edit and delete searches&...
Maria's user avatar
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Profile and contribution forms aren't displayed

I'm setting up a new Civicrm on a Joomla site, and I can't get the profile creation or contribution forms to display. I'm not seeing any errors, there's just nothing there. My guess is that it's a ...
ethanw2400's user avatar
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User Dashboard not showing assigned groups

I have gone through the permissions, and I cannot find the one where users view their own groups, and the dashboard isn’t showing groups for logged in users. I need this to be able to be viewed by all ...
Dan's user avatar
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CiviMail ACL permissions question

We are slowly building our back office team, and so I am having to struggle my way through permissions and ACLs. I would like to have a user who can: View any user's record (and we limit their view ...
richardsplayground's user avatar
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Where is the permission to access pricesets?

I remember there was a permission to access price sets via drupal roles. But in the latest version that permission seems missing. Can anyone help please how can I give permission to update price set ...
Tapash's user avatar
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ckeditor5 not saving images in civicrm / Drupal9

This is a fresh install of a site which I've migrated data to from an outdated Drupal7/civi site we've used for years. I've installed Drupal-9 using Composer and civicrm (5.64) as well and am using ...
Alan McColl's user avatar
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Certain fields missing from profile when viewing contribution page as anonymous versus logged-in user

I'm including a profile in the configuration of a contribution page to collect information about UK Gift Aid eligibility and the preferences of the donor to sign up to various newsletters. The ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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Permission system not working as expected

I created a simple permission structure where a group of CiviCRM users ("Group A") has write access to a group of contacts ("Group B"). (Every logged in user has read access.) When ...
Schorschii's user avatar
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Allow organisations to edit profile

My organisation is an umbrella group for a number of organisations around the world. We're wanting to use CiviCRM to administer a network of organisations, alongside our own individual supporters. I ...
Cozy4907's user avatar
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How to make Specific permssions for roles

I am using civicrm as my main source of managing my documents and all. What I do want is that I have a sales team that I don't want to show the specific pages or tabs. I already installed the role ...
Ali Zahid's user avatar
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Nagios script returns 403 error when querying CiviCRM via Ajax API

I've recently started using the check_civicrm script from It works great and my monitoring is greatly improved. However, on some sites I get a 403 error ...
kapn's user avatar
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Permissions for edit scheduled reminder

I want to give a staff person the permission to create and edit scheduled reminders, but I do not want to give them full administrator rights. How can I configure that person's permissions for this? ...
EricLB's user avatar
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CiviCRM: access AJAX API not respected in Wordpress

CiviCRM 5.58.1, vanilla WordPress 6.1.1 with the default theme. Both CiviCRM: access AJAX API and CiviCRM: access CiviCRM backend and API are checked. Still, executing CRM.api4('Contact', '...
yurg's user avatar
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Can I manage 2 level access for my federation

I am investigating the possible use of CIVI CRM for my federation. We are a hobby federation and our main clients are the local clubs. The federation maintains the club's information and invoice these ...
Daniel Lortie's user avatar
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Hide contact types from WordPress cms users

I am checking the CMS permissions on my CiviCRM installation on Wordpres. I have three types of CiviCRM users: Administrator Author Publisher In CiviCRM I have two types of contacts: A) Donors B) ...
Suri Gang's Hallen's user avatar
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Log viewer issue after upgrading to 5.57.1

I just updated some CiviCRM staging/test sites to 5.57.1 and my log viewer seems to be broken. This is Drupal 7 site I get something like the following error for all sites: Unable to read entries from ...
tanbog's user avatar
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What CiviCRM permissions do I need to grant in order to allow "create user record" for a CiviCRM contact

What CiviCRM permissions do I need to grant in order to allow "create user record" for a CiviCRM contact? I want to allow for a user with a certain role ("Organizer") to create a ...
mplh's user avatar
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5 answers

Cannot access Form Builder forms as anonymous user

I'm stumped trying to get Form Builder forms accessible to anonymous users. I've pared back one of the forms to its essentials: it only displays a text box. This works fine when I'm logged into the ...
gillenpj's user avatar
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permission issue on EVENT page after upgrade to 5.56.1

I have upgraded from 4.7 to the latest version - there was no permission issue on EVENT pages but system reports an dependecy issue about Form core extension - to solve it I activated AuthX - I guess ...
rv91530's user avatar
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Enable a PA to manage membership on behalf of their manager(s)

I want to enable the Personal Assistant of an Individual Member (or multiple Members, but not all employees of the same organisation) to be able to set up membership (and pay renewals) on their behalf ...
Simon Thornton-Wood's user avatar
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I can't reinstall civicrm "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page"?

I installed civicrm on Wordpress without the test data so I just wanted to uninstall it by deactivating + deleting the folders .../wp-content/plugins/civicrm & wp-content/uploads/civicrm I also ...
Mertus's user avatar
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How to manage a Mentoring-System with CiviCRM

I would like to organize a mentoring-platform where mentees/mentors can register via a website. Mentees can get assigned to mentors in geographical proximity by an organizer of that region. Mentors ...
mplh's user avatar
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5.51.3 to 5.54.0 - "DB_Error: DB Error: no such field in unknown on line unknown" for non-admins when running reports

We recently upgraded our CiviCRM instance from 5.51.3 to 5.54.0 to resolve some of the bugs that 5.54.0 resolves. Since then, non administrator users are not able to run any reports, and they get a ...
ben_fairless's user avatar
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Problems with file permission and ownership at civicrm/templates_c

I always set my file permissions under the templates_c folder like in the Question to username:www-data and the permissions to 770. It runs fine on other systems, but I have a system which is only ...
gzwg's user avatar
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Adding AngularJS page as a Joomla menu item

I created an AngularJS extension that has a page that needs to be viewable outside of CiviCRM's administration area. To view it inside CiviCRM, the URL is: administrator/index.php?option=com_civicrm&...
Kurt Leadley's user avatar
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create mailing - unable to load recipient group - insufficient permission

I am using Mosaico and have a problem with the selection of Recipients for Mailings. When I try to select a recipient civicrm seems to be searching infinitely for recipient groups and my firefox ...
Johannes's user avatar
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cleanup caches changes file permissions

My site (on a VPS running CPanel, CiviCRM 5.49.3, Drupal 9.3.14) currently has file permission issues. This hasn't always been the case, and I don't know the in initial cause for the problem. Due to ...
David Gould's user avatar
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Allow deletion of contacts but not in trash?

I have the impression that many CiviCRM users share this scenario: They would like to allow everyday users to delete contacts and they are happy about the fact, that in case of mistakes these can be ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Receipt for recurring membership payment includes a link to enable cancellation. Why doesn't it work?

I'm setting up a recurring membership payment using stripe. Using the test drive page the transaction goes through fine, and I get a receipt. The receipt includes a link of the form: https://mydomain....
Graham's user avatar
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What does IDS (Intrusion Detection System) exactly? What happens if I disable it?

One of my clients sends emails with click-through links. And sometimes, after clicking on the link, the following message is displayed. I did some research. The error is generated from a piece of code ...
Kainuk - CiviCooP's user avatar
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upgrade to 5.49 on Wordpress unzip and file permissions

In following the instructions for upgrading on a wordpress cms (, I backed up all the existing files and renamed the existing civicrm ...
Howell Silverman's user avatar
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If you set a report access permission to everyone, includes anonymous, can it be viewed publicly?

Wordpress - Civi 5.48 I created an event report and I want it so anyone can view who is attending by using the link. I figured out the link part - I ...
themak's user avatar
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