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Can a user remove their signature on a petition made with Civi Petition?

On most non-profits websites that propose signing petitions, the automatic email that comes after the petition signature contains a link allowing the user to remove their signature from the petition ...
Klemet's user avatar
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How to aggregate petition signers

WP 6 Civi 5.51 We'd like to "Find contacts who have signed x number of petitions" It seems to me that built in petitions, activities, custom field/profiles cannot provide this. ...
LesleyJill's user avatar
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Add contribution option to petition?

We are planning to put up a petition and want to add the option for signers to donate to support our work. Is there a way to include a donation option on the petition page, or another way to direct ...
philamir's user avatar
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Introduction text is editable in public-facing petition web form

My organization uses CiviCRM Spark and we have live petition which is working fine, except that introduction text is editable by users submitting petition responses (see screenshot). The user can ...
SunriseGV's user avatar
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Petition Error "Oops. It looks like there is no response option configured."

I'm trying to set up door-to-door canvassing capabilities using CiviCampaign and CiviMobile. I've set up a Campaign; I created some custom fields like Knock Result (Home, Not Home, etc); I created a ...
jimcrist's user avatar
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How to insert thankyou_text in petition thank you email?

We want the 'thank you message' in the petition sign up instead of the petition title in the thank you email sent. This then allows for the thank you message shared after signing up to also be shared ...
Tom Beckett's user avatar
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Could not find a valid session key when submitting Petition

Help needed. The error below is received when I click on the submit button for a petition (survey). This function has been working fine for several months. There are no customisations in place in this ...
Garry Hyman's user avatar
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How do I add and control settings for social media sharing buttons on CiviCRM Petition pages?

On the Edit Petition page, I have ticked the box for 'Allow sharing through social media', but on the live petition webpage, there are no social media buttons. If I manually copy and paste the ...
Kirsten's user avatar
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GDPR Extention and PETITIONs (in Wordpress)

(CiviCRM on Wordpress) We see that in Petitions it is not possible to activate the GDPR Extention for Privacy Policy Acceptance. How is it possible? Are we wrong? The Privacy Policy Acceptance ...
Alessandro Letizia's user avatar
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How can I modify the from email address used in petition confirmation email?

My default from email address is [email protected]. When a supporter signs a petition, they get a confirmation with that sender address. However, I want the confirmation email to have ...
Martin Peth's user avatar