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2 answers

How to configure mail_report for every mailing?

I´m trying to configure the cron job mail_report. I need an email to be sent to the address [email protected] every time a mailing is sent. The screen to configure it is in the following image ...
rhrueda's user avatar
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civiCRM Cron only run one mail_report scheduled jobs?

I'm using CiviCRM 4.4.6 in drupal 7. In my scheduled jobs list, I had 3 scheduled jobs of membership report: report A, report B, and report C. These reports will send out email with different csv ...
vences's user avatar
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3 answers

How to show civicrm toolbar in drupal also?

I have created some drupal views for civicrm. But the views pages are opening inside the drupal set up, where the civicrm toolbar is not showing. Now, how can i show the civi toolbar in the drupal? ...
Juyal Jee's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can I get a notification emailed to me every time a contact with a certain tag is updated?

Our team would like to be notified any time a certain group of contacts are updated. Ideally this notification would contain the most current version of the contact profile, as well as the previous ...
twill244's user avatar
1 vote
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Report for user and assigned contacts (ACL)

I have a set of users that have been assigned access to specific contacts (ACL based off a smart group for each user) - for each contact I have added a set of custom fields that a user needs to fill ...
digital_paki's user avatar
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Custom activity types do not appear in report filter

When creating a report from a template (specifically the Activity Report) custom case types are not available in the filter list.
pmoz's user avatar
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Relationship Extended Report produces errors

I have been getting errors when trying to run relationship report extension & from some reports from this template created in 12/14. We depend on these reports for much of our work. Can anyone ...
Marilyn Schiffman's user avatar
5 votes
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CiviCRM Membership Status Change Summary Report

What is the best way to use CiviReports to show how many members changed from grace -> expired in a given month (summary), not detail report.
Zachary's user avatar
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Participant Status vs. Participant Status ID

Did I miss something or has there been a architectural change with these parameters? The search builder gives a list of the status options for both of these parameters, but for the Participant Status ...
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
2 votes
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Bar graphs have disappeared

Bar and pie charts no longer render - and I didn't do anything on my end. I just get a little box now where there used to be a chart. I've cleared caches and just did an upgrade from 4.4.5 to 4.6.4 ...
Billyjames's user avatar
2 votes
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Omitting soft credits from reports

I need to omit soft credits from some reports. Financial reports currently double the amount of some contributions when the contributions include a soft credit. For example, matching donations are ...
Tim Palmquist's user avatar
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Contribution Report with total paid and balance fields?

Since partial payments were introduced in civicrm 4.5 is there any report available (core of extension) which allows to use "total paid" and "balance" as fields and filters?
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
3 votes
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Report with household, individuals and contributions

I am tasked with creating a report on households and the respective members of the households and their contributions. Can anyone please direct me to any reports that are already available in CiviCRM ...
Edward's user avatar
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How do I Add Contacts to Group from an Activity Report?

There is a choice in Activity Reports to Add Contacts to Group, on the top right - so I created a new Group and chose that Group, but there is not a button to click to complete the add. It's not ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
6 votes
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Combining reports

I've created a few (membership) reports, and the client is happy. Only, they would like the csv output of the reports to be combined into one. Preferably with some headers in between. The filters of ...
commonpike's user avatar
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mail_report format parameter

When configuring a Mail Report to be sent via Scheduled Jobs, using 'mail_report' API call, I need to pass the 'instanceId' and 'format' parameters. For the 'format' parameter I have the options '...
diegov's user avatar
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Missing fields and reports in database after migrating to a new server

What's the best way to migrate CiviCRM to a new a server? I haven't been able to get it to work. I've been following this guide. Here are the steps I've been taking to for the migration. 1.) SQLDump ...
Sean's user avatar
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2 answers

Report UI is broken in 4.6.2 and 4.6.3

We have version 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 installed in different sites, and just noticed that the new Reports tab interface UI is broken. You can click on the tabs but the main body of the report settings - ...
Rob Brandt's user avatar
1 vote
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Creating a report listing contacts grouped by an employer-group

How can I create a report that lists contacts & their employer, but groups them by a employer group? I.e. Sports John - Adidas Jane - Nike Food Jim - Kraft Jack - Nestle And so on.
user50537's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to customise report export file names?

Is it possible to automatically name Report downloads (PDFs or .csv files) to reflect the report title? (This strikes me as being an obvious thing to do, so apologies if I've missed some equally ...
liblogger's user avatar
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How can I show groups in membership report columns?

I've got the request to display (certain) groups in the membership detail report. A lot has been written over time about customizing reports, and I'm not sure what info is up-to-date. This looks good: ...
commonpike's user avatar
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Possible error in Contributions and Membership Details report

When we run the Contributions and Membership details report for our organization, it reports 41 entries in the month: Row(s) Listed 41 Total Amount $ 1,320.00(44) Average $ 30.00 However, ...
ldgpangeo's user avatar
5 votes
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Use Drupal views to generate contact Reports in Civicrm

I have several different types of report's layouts/formats to print for Civicrm contacts. I know that, we can generate reports by 'Report' menu in Civicrm. But i want some suggestion about how much ...
Juyal Jee's user avatar
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Civisualize - How does it work and what are the charts showing? [closed]

I need your help. I am trying to figure how CiviVisualse works. We would like to improve its current styling etc. To do this, I need to fully understand how the dynamic filter works agains graph lines ...
Domi Mol's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I see a piechart breakdown of contributions by financial type this year?

The "Donor Report (Summary)" produces pie charts, however these seem to be only by date, even if I choose group by Financial Type. Also, it complains "Do not use filter on Date if group by Receive ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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Aggregate Contributions Reports and fiscal years (and households, too)

We have a client with a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year. To filter by a timeframe, the CiviReport system for aggregate contributions insists on grouping by a time period, which is NOT a fiscal year (...
TimETown's user avatar
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Recurring Membership Price Set payments don't show after first payment

We have three different membership types configured in a price-set along with an option to add additional contributions. When someone subscribes for membership, they subscribe to all three membership ...
dudeval's user avatar
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Reporting on Premium Fulfillment

Membership in our organization currently includes a T-Shirt which is implemented as a "Premium" on the contribution page. Members must pick up their T-Shirt in person, so I'm looking for a way to ...
user542's user avatar
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Membership Report (Detail) not showing organizational members

I am using CiviCRM 4.6.2 under Drupal 7. When I run the "Membership Report (Detail)" report, it does not include the organizational members (by relationship). I can't seem to figure out how to include ...
The Amateur's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Is it possible to get point-in-time membership data?

My client needs to know: How many members did we have on date x Who were the members on date x Using "Find memberships" it appears that, though the UI allows it, combining the membership status ...
Shai's user avatar
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Can CiviCRM's internal contact ID be exposed in reports?

Can CiviCRM's internal contact ID be exposed in reports? It doesn't look as though we can select it in the display columns listing for an activity report. (CiviCRM 4.5.8)
GMCVO Databases's user avatar
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constituent detail report not working (timeout)

I am using CiviCRM 4.5.8, an instance with 18,328 contacts. No matter how long I set the max execution time of a page, I am getting a timeout when trying to view the constituent detail report (...
TheBarnacle's user avatar
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Creating a public Member organisations directory with CiviCRM in Wordpress

i'm new to CiviCRM but i've been trying to Create a public Member organisations directory with CiviCRM in Wordpress. i've tried to configure a public report of members but it appears empty when i'm ...
Phil Newby's user avatar
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Error when trying to generate Activity Report after upgrading to 4.6.2

UPDATE: I upgraded to 4.6.3 and the problem persists. I can see that it's related to our petition, but beyond that I'm stumped. I'm having problems with other reports timing out too now, and we've ...
Laurie's user avatar
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How to add custom fields to membership report display columns?

We have a set of custom data for memberships. One field is 'radio' type for newsletter delivery preference: online, paper, both, none. We can filter on this custom field in membership reports no ...
P a u l's user avatar
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How can I track donor movement on CiviCRM?

Our organization is using CiviCRM on Drupal and I'm looking for a way to create, track, and report on solicitation plans -- essentially, having a report that forecasts income from a variety of ...
Gillian R's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the difference between Tracked Opens and Confirmed Opens

Does anyone know why there would be a difference/what the difference is between the "tracked opens" that you see on an individual mailing report and the "confirmed opens" you see when you run a ...
Jessica's user avatar
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How do I distribute CiviSurvey by email, and then analyze the results?

Can somebody help me to answer these following questions or refer me to some source to find out the answer: I've created a survey by creating the custom fields and custom data. How do I get this ...
Minh Le's user avatar
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Why can't I export my report to pdf?

I have a problem (well, in fact, more than one Why can't I export a Contact Detail report to CSV?) with civiReport. I can't export my contact report to pdf. At first, when I clicked I only got a ...
user2329051's user avatar
3 votes
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Why can't I export a Contact Detail report to CSV?

I have a problem with civireport. Since I've created and saved one report I can't export it anymore to csv. First, the export to csv was missing. I've tried this...
user2329051's user avatar
1 vote
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How Do IModify Report Criteria?

I am trying to customize a report (Contribute/Summary) to compute LAST YEAR "to date" totals (so I can compare them with how we are doing so far this year). I have created the new template/php files ...
Karen's user avatar
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In CiviMail reports, how do I enable "Add these contacts to Group" for user levels other than Admin?

I want to enable other user levels to be able to add contacts to a Group based on a list of results in a CiviMail Report using 'Add these contacts to Group'. For example, a CiviMail Bounces Report ...
Joe McLaughlin's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

How do I search for contacts with no contributions?

Is there a non-code way to search for contacts with no contributions recorded? (A search in search builder will only result in contact with contributions with null values, which is not the same as no ...
Flying's user avatar
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Cron sending reports weekly

Sending reports by email is a really nice feature in CiviCRM. This is done by creating a specific cron job for each report. However, this will be sent only at the intervals given. And they are "daily"...
Flying's user avatar
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How can I make it easier for users to generate the reports they need?

I am working with an organisation that uses CiviCRM to record information about their clients. They need to generate reports on a quarterly basis that summarise their work with clients. The reports ...
William Mortada's user avatar

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