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7 votes
3 answers

Sparkpost service no longer free - any recommendations?

We have just been informed by Sparkpost that their free service which gave us up to 100k/mo emails with a max of 25k/day will be discontinued. We use the CiviDesk Sparkpost extension 1.3 on CiviCRM 5....
Karl Rudnick's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Upgraded to PHP 7.2; no errors but Sparkpost doesn't receive and send CiviMail

I upgraded to PHP 7.2 and received the system warning​ stating "your SMTP password will not be stored encrypted, and if you have recently upgraded from a PHP that stored it with encryption, it will ...
raaboyl's user avatar
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1 answer

What is your CiviMail throughput/sending speed with sparkpost?

We've just started using sparkpost to deliver our email, the sparkpost control panel provides some really nice stats and insight into mailing performance as well as how your emails are being treated ...
McPeter's user avatar
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5 answers

Has anyone compared the two Sparkpost extension?

Two Sparkpost extensions for Civimail have been released/updated in the last couple of days.
Davy Ivins's user avatar
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Permission errors on Cividesk Sparkpost extension

I’m looking for some assistance to debug an issue with the Cividesk Sparkpost extension. At first I thought that the extension was not compatible with Civi 5.8.x, but others report that is not the ...
twowheeler's user avatar
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Cividesk Sparkpost extension aggressively marking contacts "On Hold"

I have the Sparkpost extension working great, but after 3 months of weekly mailings, 225 of my 2000 mailing list contacts have been marked "On Hold." This is a much higher attrition rate than with ...
Norris's user avatar
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Sparkpost disable engangement tracking

Has anyone successfully switched off Engagement Tracking on SparkPost? I did this at But all links are getting converted to
Sanjay Jain's user avatar
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Configuration page for newly installed SparkPost extension error: Cannot decrypt token. Invalid format

Sorry, due to an error, we are unable to fulfill your request at the moment. You may want to contact your administrator or service provider with more details about what action you were performing when ...
Christia's user avatar
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Upgrade from CiviCRM 5.12.4 to 5.13.5 generates Sparkpost PHP fatal error

We are running Wordpress 5.2.1 with CiviCRM 5.12.4. In trying to upgrade to 5.13.5, the database runs through the updates, but then we get the message: "The site is experiencing technical difficulties....
Karl Rudnick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does outbound email stop working after enabling the PHP Mcrypt extension?

On a CiviCRM 4.6.30 / Drupal 7 installation using the extension, outbound email stopped working after enabling the PHP Mcrypt extension on the server. This affected both ...
davejenx's user avatar
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Civimail sparkpost extension stats / is my mail being delivered?

We are using the cividesk sparkpost extension on civicrm 5.5.3 and wordpress 4.9.8. In the last few days, we have sent 2 emails to the full list which is about 6,000 emails each, so it should be ...
twowheeler's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

CiviContribute Thank You Letter not emailed - using CiviDesk SparkPost

CiviCRM 4.7.22 I am trying to send CiviContribute thank you letters by email using this workflow: Find Contributions > Actions > Thank-you letters - print or email Invariably, I get the following ...
Michelle Rojas's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

we are trying to set up Sparkpost in CiviCRM, but we are using G-Suite and cant use DNS?

we are trying to set up Sparkpost in CiviCRM, but we are using G-Suite and can't use DNS? So tried to use another method, but when trying to add either Postmaster or Abuse G-suite says those are ...
Theodore VanPatten's user avatar
2 votes
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Scheduled job process_mailing does not complete

Running process_mailing scheduled job via 'execute now' starts but does not complete. The first 200ish mails were sent then sending stopped. Running 'Execute now' a few more times has now sent 330 ...
Aidan's user avatar
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Civi CRM Sparkpost - pesc.sparkpost - Error Sending Group Subscription Welcome Emails

So, I'm using the com.pesc.sparkpost CiviCRM/Sparkpost integration extension. It is working really well so far for just about everything except for the welcome email for mailing list group ...
Tristan Bentley's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Getting into the inbox with Sparkpost

During testing of sparkpost we are getting into the inbox with gmail, yahoo and aol, but not with microsoft. We are getting an 8 on microsoft's bulk complaint level which AFAIK is associated with the ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the cause of Error: Call to undefined function civicrmVersion() in sparkpost_civicrm_check()

Drupal 7.59 Civi 5.1.2 PHP 7 MariaDB 10.1 Debian 9 If our users access "" without first logging into Drupal, they receive a generic white page with the message "Error The website ...
Darren's user avatar
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1 answer

Failure in setting up Sparkpost for outgoing mail

I've created a sending and bounce domain on Sparkpost, This domain has been verified by Sparkpost. I have an api key with all grants. When I try to save and send, I get this ...
Vietyank's user avatar
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Is there a way to re-send failed transactional emails using SparkPost email extension?

Have been using the extension (v1.1) successfully on Civi 4.6.30 . Recently had an issue due to installing PHP mcrypt on the server, which caused the extension to be ...
davejenx's user avatar
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2 answers

Sparkpost Cividesk integration - processing of bounces

I have installed the Cividesk Sparkpost extension and am able to send mass mailings with CiviMail via my Sparkpost account (REST API). However, CiviCRM apparently doesn't process bounces. Would I ...
TonV's user avatar
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CiviMail --> Sparkpost -- Invalid links in header & footer

I've installed CiviCRM 5.37.2 on a WordPress website, set up a new email address, got the DNS records working, Sparkpost is happy, did a tiny test email blast, which flowed through CiviMail and ...
jimcrist's user avatar
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CiviCRM Slow Bulk Emails to Sparkpost via Rest

Hopefully someone can help.. First the particulars: CiviCRM 5.1.2 / Wordpress Sparkpost Extension: 1.1 Mailer Batch: 0 Mailer throttle: 0 Mailer job: 1000 Mailer Cron: 8 It appears that when ...
Michael LiVolsi's user avatar
1 vote
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CiviMail and Sparkpost Bounces Not Updating email address "On Hold"

We have been using the SparkPost extension (civi desk) about a month and it is sending emails fine. However, it may not be processing bounces completely and/or I do not understand how it works. If ...
Ron Gridley's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to upgrade to SparkPost 1.4 - Parse Error

I get an error when upgrading to SparkPost 1.4 - Have raised an issue on the project but hoping someone can advise how to apply a patch locally to get it working:
ben_fairless's user avatar
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Missing email replies

We are using CiviCRM 15.4 on Drupal 7. We are using the Sparkpost extension to send bulk emails through sparkpost. This all works great, we get nice mail tracking and reports. My users also want ...
tanbog's user avatar
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75% bounce rate ("syntax") — irrespective of mail service

Civi 5.76.2 / WordPress Starting last week, a mailer returned a bounce rate of around 75% (in this case, a little over 6K addresses), all of them uniformly 'syntax'. I exported them into a new group, ...
mc_burger's user avatar
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Unable to Add User

I am trying to add another user to my site. I am on Spark and with civihosting. When I click "create new account," I am redirected to a page that says "The website encountered an ...
Liz Persinger's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can't I download spark?

I entered all my information in the sign-up area and it comes up with the following: The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Mel's user avatar
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Failure in setting up replies mailbox

CiviCRM 5.14.0 I am using the Sparkpost extension This is a new site in testing phase I have set my from email address to be: "Site Administrator" This domain has been verified by Sparkpost and is a ...
Vietyank's user avatar
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Limitations for sending emails [duplicate]

We are running a mass mailing from CiviCRM using the Sparkpost Extension. The cron job will only send 400 emails per execution. Is this a limitation of CiviCRM? How do we increase it? Environment: ...
Nina Gonzalez's user avatar
0 votes
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Sending one copy of each CiviMail campaign to a specific email address?

I have been asked to generate one copy of each mailing sent to go to a specific mailbox (say [email protected]) that they will check for validation of emails sent (with content comparison) versus ...
Eli Lisseck's user avatar
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Send Scheduled Mailings Failure / CiviCRM Spark - Failing Job

No scheduled mailings are sent, logs reporting: Entity: Job Action: process_mailing Summary" Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Failure, Error message: Array ( [content] =&...
Patrick Masson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

sparkpost email config

Trying to set up Sparkpost for Civicrm 5.12.0 / WP 5.1.1 / php 7.2 I was trying the cividesk extension but I'm on the EU server and can't figure out the fiddling needed to access that just yet. So I'...
John Bradford's user avatar