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Setting up Stripe Checkout

I'm trying to setup a process payment that uses Stripe Checkout. However, I'm not sure how to get these fields under Process Live Payments.
Avi's user avatar
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Testing Stripe Checkout Payment with Membership page

I'm trying to test the stripe checkout payment page with a test card number provided by Stripe documentation. Whenever I enter the credentials the green checkmark appears which means the payment card ...
Avi's user avatar
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How to format text in Drupal - Account Settings?

I'm working on the activation email that gets sent out when you approve an account in Drupal, does anyone know how to format text in it? Specifically, I'd like to make some font bold. I've tried and ,...
hman42's user avatar
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existing activity field referring to form activities

I apologize if this is an obvious answer. There is still so much I need to learn! I'm trying to build a submission form in FormBuilder that would submit a new individual and a new activity. When ...
ezeisloft's user avatar
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How to resolve a Javascript error on Event setup?

This is a fairly longstanding problem on a D7/Civi site that I'd love to sort out. The site runs a lot of events using CiviCRM. The Online Registration tab for event configuration should present a ...
Graham's user avatar
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SearchKit: How to build a URL link with multi-value parameters

I'm trying to use SearchKit to build a Summary report and a related Detail report. I'm having trouble creating the URL link on the Summary report that links over to the Detail report. For the sake of ...
Justin657's user avatar
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Migration: how to replace old definer

I'm facing the same issue as the one solved here: Migration error: “The user specified as a definer does not exist”. However I have to consider the following points: the database it way to huge to ...
Pierre's user avatar
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General support

I am looking for a general support contact for civi - can any one help or direct me to someone? I have been unable to access my account for 2 weeks and as an organisation we can't work out why. Thanks ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Drupal Views using CiviCRM Entity with relationships added takes too long to render results

I'm building a Drupal View to put ~1000 marker points with popup information on a Leaflet map using CiviCRM Entity and CiviCRM Entity Leaflet. The map is taking a very long time to render: over 3 ...
macMark's user avatar
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Cookie issue with forms (profile, event registration)

Our CiviCRM works with Worpress. We have a newsletter subscription form, and also use event registration, and contribution pages for donation. Our visitors randomly receive this error: We can't load ...
Kamyar's user avatar
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Is there a way to disable system status notices for all users?

Is there a way to disable the system status notice popup that appears at the top right in civiCRM when extensions need updating, etc?
A. Block's user avatar
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After upgrade, php error file_get_contents

After upgrading from Civi 5.64 to Civi 5.75, CiviCRM throws a fatal error: ValueError: Path cannot be empty in file_get_contents() (line 540 of xxxx/vendor/civicrm/civicrm-core/CRM/Core/Resources.php) ...
Edward Peters's user avatar
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Get title/label in other languages using APIv4?

I have a multilingual installation of CiviCRM with en_US, nl_NL, and fr_FR enabled. The civi version is 5.58.1 Basically, I want to do select id, title_en_US, title_nl_NL, title_fr_FR from ...
AlainB's user avatar
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Event Registration using contact hash?

I'm using civiDiscount with an automatic discount set up for a single event and several membership types. I'd like to use civiMail to send out an invitation to all members to invite them to register ...
A. Block's user avatar
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QuickSearch Custom Query

Is it possible to modify query for quicksearch? hook_civicrm_contactListQuery is no longer being called so query cannot be modified. I tried apiWrapper hook but I am not sure how to make filter like ...
darkmode's user avatar
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Cannot Download CiviCRM 5.69.6

I am trying to download CiviCRM 5.69.6 to get to the secure version of 5.69. The release page goes to a 404. I am unable to download this version with Composer as well. Composer returns. - Root ...
Josh's user avatar
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HTML Code for Page

I have a Contribution Page that acts as a member sign-up page without contributions. I'm trying to find the HTMl code so that I can change the CSS to look appeal to my companies theme on the webpage. ...
Avi's user avatar
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Events newsletter communications?

I've got a WordPress (currently 6.5.5) CiviCRM (currently 5.74.4) setup. Trying to find some way to allow users to subscribe to an email newsletter to be notified of any newly created events in ...
Michael Matthews's user avatar
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Fatal Error: You do not have permission to access this page

We are getting this fatal error "You do not have permission to access this page" many times in a day. We are not sure why this is happening. We are running Civi 5.74.4 Wordpress 6.5.5 Php 8....
markd's user avatar
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using API4 to access a custom table in the database

If I create a new custom table directly in the database (mysql/wordpress), is there a way to access that table using the civicrm api (read and/or write)?
jsherk's user avatar
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CiviCRM SPARK - Permissions and Drupal roles

I am using CiviCRM SPARK 5.74.4. I am a new user and I would like to have some members who have edit/delete access and others who can just see the data. I implemented the ACL roles and assigned them ...
Niklas's user avatar
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CiviBooking 1.6 - DB Error

I'm running Wordpress 6.5.5 with CiviCRM 5.74.2. Civibooking installed fine. When I click on the booking menu to go into "Find Bookings" or "New Booking", I get a "DB Error: ...
Sudesh's user avatar
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Angular Error with Custom Data fields on Relationships

This error is similar to one I asked about earlier this week in a ticket about FormBuilder, but I came into it from a completely different direction, and I confirmed that the problem exists on a Demo ...
zip's user avatar
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Tried installing new extensions but now I get an error

I tried installing new extensions, however it timed out on my site. Now when I try and go to my backend cvi home with the dashlets, I am receiving a network error: unable to reach server. I also ...
Dan's user avatar
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Issue "Events" > "online payment" > Invalid integer part 100,00. Invalid digit

When trying to pay a event fee via online payment, we get error below when we submit the form: Sorry, there was an error processing your payment. Please try again later.Invalid integer part 100,00. ...
Wouter H.'s user avatar
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How can I fix my civicrm database table schema?

Once upon a time, if you thought your database schema was no longer matching what CiviCRM expected, it was recommended that you create a new civicrm install with your current version, dump it and your ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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One to N relationships to custom data

Is it currently possible to allow users to submit custom data multiple times and store each submission separately? I've tried a few things with no success. Searching suggests this has come up before ...
ASav's user avatar
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CiviMail clickthrough links being classified as malicious by Windows Defender

We've been using clickthrough tracking for many years as a way to gauge interest in the emails we send to our contacts (they are mainly businesspeople). As far back as I can remember this has worked ...
Graham's user avatar
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Customize print action to use a template

I have to create 2 PDF file from contribution line items. These reports are called "Libro Soci" (book of members) and they must have precise formatting as these: The second report starts ...
masetto's user avatar
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FormBuilder "is one of" list of emails

I'm working on a form to make updating participant statuses easier for my staff. We've got CSVs with a list of emails in them for everyone that attended an event. In SearchKit, I can search for ...
zip's user avatar
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Importing participants gives success message but data is not imported

When importing participant information from the Courses...Import Participants menu, the import process says successfully completed but when I review each contact's records the imported data is not ...
Janice G's user avatar
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Why does the warning about Timestamps for Activities and Cases point to DoctorWhen?

A new warning on the system status pages gives notice that new timestamp fields have been added and we might want to populate them. That's all fine, but why does the text point to the doctorwhen page? ...
twowheeler's user avatar
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Installation error (MySQL)

I am trying to install CiviCRM, but when I get to the point of installing it within WordPress, I get the following errors: Severity (error) Section (Databases) [Name + Details 1]: CiviCRM MySQL ...
nana's user avatar
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Bootstrap error after upgrading

We use an upgrade shell script to manage version and we're always getting this error: In Bootstrap.php line 57: ...
Guillaume Sorel's user avatar
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CiviRule based on "Activity Date reached" - how to stop it triggering an email every 24 hours after that date

LINKED TRIGGER: Activity Date reached ; Activity with type XX AND Status XX Action is to then send an email. So for someone with eg 3 July, we want an email sent on 3 July. Excellent. But it then ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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Errors like "Missing case type defintion" and "Invalid case type name" on upgrade to 5.75.0

I'm testing an upgrade from 5.71.2 to 5.75.0, and I see several red flagged errors in the System Status page. For example, !Missing case type definition Unable to locate xml file for Case Type "...
twowheeler's user avatar
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Find Contacts Menu Item Does Not Work

I have recently moved my database from WordPress to Drupal. All of the menu items I have looked at and most everything else on the site are working correctly except the Findact Contacts menu item in ...
Steve's user avatar
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Cannot Work With Mosaico After Moving Site

I recently moved a WordPress CiviCRM install to Drupal 9. Overall it is working well. The biggest concern I have right now is that I cannot get Mosaico to work again. I have tried multiple ...
Steve's user avatar
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I want download an extension, but I can't find it under Administer > System Settings > Extensions

As the title says, I want to install this extension called Mosaico Message Templates. Here is a link to the extension web page: However, I can'...
Goku's user avatar
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Using Arithmetic with Dates in SearchKit

I'd like to work out the age of someone on the date of an Activity. In SearchKit, I've used Arithmetic to subtract the Birth Date from the Activity Date and this almost works, but it ignores the day/...
Rose Lanigan's user avatar
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Blank page after update

I'm very late with updates. Currently V 5.50.2. I'm trying to catch up. I tried installing several newer versions. The installation of the files goes without problems. But when updating the database, ...
Jean jacques's user avatar
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Roadmap to develop an application on top of CiviCRM for my organization

I want to build a custom CRM for my organization to manage Sales and Marketing. I want to build it on top of CiviCRM, but change the whole UI, and display my organization name in place of CiviCRM ...
Skb_Developer's user avatar
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Formbuilder: User select 'Email' --> Empty / Not Empty

I have build Search Kit with a list of members who need to renew their membership. The list contains contact data and email address. In the form I want to have the option to select all members that DO ...
Betty Dolfing's user avatar
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Civicrm Search Menu Item worked fine on 5.73, now gives error on 5.74.4

The CiviCRM "Profile Search Form" menu item worked fine on 5.73.x but with the update to 5.74.4, it gives an error Not sure what changed to cause this, as nothing has changed as far as the ...
Neil Z's user avatar
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sent mails appear in the list of drafts

does anybody have the same conspicuity? Our finished and sent mails appear in the list of drafts and without the name of the sender. Why? And how do we change this? Regards, Regina
Regina Sommerfeld's user avatar
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Drupal 10 error after installation of CiviCRM

Summary: Error in Drupal permissions page (admin/people/permissions/module/civicrm) after fresh install of CiviCRM 5.74.4: InvalidArgumentException: "0" is an invalid render array key. ...
remonds's user avatar
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Do the mailer settings for batch size etc also apply to scheduled reminders?

I am trying to set up several Scheduled Reminders for event registrations. The amount of mails per reminder can be a few hundred. I was wondering if the mailer settings for batch size etc also apply ...
Richard van Oosterhout's user avatar
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Formbuilder : individuals have relationship with themselves : bug or by design?

In formbuilder I have a very basic form, collecting first and last name of individuals. It's set as "multiple", so that users can create up to two individuals (such as 2 parents / husband &...
stackexchange user's user avatar
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Formbuilder security : "user based" vs "Form based"

I can't figure out how to take advante of "User based" security option in Formbuilder, and did not find relevant documentation. An email is sent using a token such as {afform.afformTestLink} ...
stackexchange user's user avatar
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Formbuilder conditional logic action?

CiviCRM community, I'm just wondering if I can use FormBuilder to create an activity based on a field value of another activity. Context: I have a form that volunteers use to report their calls to ...
jmaureiram's user avatar

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