Webform Civi Integration version 7.x-4.11. Just noticed that for contacts with multiple open case types, a new activity submitted via a webform does not always go to the correct case type. For example, I have a Drupal View that lists all contacts that have open Test Cases. In that view, I link to a webform called New Test Case Activity created specifically for that case type that adds an activity. URL is formed http://example.com/test-case-new-activity?cid2=[id_1]. Id_1 is the case client. In the Civi Webform settings under Activities, File on Case section I have Test Case as the Case Type, open and resolved selected under Case Status and contact 2 selected for Case Client. One case client has two open cases, an open Test Case and an open Other Case Type. When I click on the link to add a New Test Case Activity, the correct webform comes up with the correct client name. Once submitted however, the activity is filed under Other Case Type and not Test Case. I thought I had this working before, but I could be wrong.