For a site using CiviCRM profiles you can opt to use Joinery's [Profile Conditionals extension][1] and adapt the conditions to which you want this behavior to occur. 

For it be checked with any price field selected, an example is below:

    $civicrm_setting['com.joineryhq.profcond']['com.joineryhq.profcond']['contribution']['all'] = array(
              '01_auto_renew_is_checked' => array(
                'conditions' => array(
                  'all_of' => array(
                      'selector' => 'input[name="price_7"]',
                        'op' => 'is_checked',
                    'states' => array (
                      'pass' => array (
                        'selectors'  => array(
                          'input#auto_renew[type="checkbox"]' => array (
                            'properties' => array('checked' => TRUE),
                      'fail' => array (
                        'selectors'  => array(
                          'input#auto_renew[type="checkbox"]' => array (
                            'properties' => array('checked' => FALSE),

Change out the price field (price_7) with yours. There are many ways to change the conditions based on your use case, you can find instructions on those options [here][2].

I put this in it's own `profcond.settings.php` file in case you make a syntax error and want to quickly deactivate the conditionals to prevent it from breaking CiviCRM. Add `include __DIR__ . '/profcond.settings.php';` to `civicrm.settings.php` file for this setup.

Also noting that recently there was a change in core that displays / unchecks the "Please renew my membership automatically" option so using the "onload" option exclusively no longer works (tested 5.65 where that last worked).
