In response to a question about WP, Caldera and iATS play nicely and do recurring danaskallman said: > no, it's either of these two add-ons as of now stripe and authorize. iATS isn't an option for payment processors so it would need to be developed likely. Andrei said: > the official CF payment add-ons support PayPal Express and Pro,, Dwolla, Stripe, Braintree, and PayFast gateways. > > As @danaskallman mentioned CFC integrates with Stripe and Authorize, with integrates I mean that it calculates/updates the payment fees and transaction ids, etc. > > And recurring contributions are not currently integrated/supported. agileware_justin said: > we developed a Caldera payment processor for eWAY Rapid API (eWAY payment gateway) - this hasn't been published OSS yet. > > Can confirm, Caldera CiviCRM is missing recurring contribution feature.