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6 votes

Annual Donor Report

This type of report is called a "pivot table". There's a report that will do what you want in the Extended Reports extension. If you don't have that installed, do the following (or ask your ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

How can I get the donation amount radio buttons on the same line as the amount?

This layout is coming from some theme or plugin on your site. CiviCRM includes its own CSS which delivers your desired result out of the box, and you can override or replace those CSS files. In ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
3 votes

Show all contributions from top donors

In Search Kit, try this Create the search as: Note the 'Group By' contact ID, and 'total amount' field added twice - once as 'sum', once as 'list'. You might want additional 'where' clauses for '...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes

Having trouble changing settings on Donations Page

On Amount tab of contribution page (Contributions menu > Manage Contribution Pages, then click Configure next to the page in question) you can either choose price set or other amount section to ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

How to add a donation amount to an email that is sent from Civi

Use Thank You Letters. This requires you to pull a contribution report of the donors you want to receive the email then create the letter to email them. Go to Find Contribution, set the date for last ...
Iowa Boy's user avatar
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3 votes

Manual entry of recurring donation

There is an extension available for adding offline recurring contributions but unfortunately the tag says it works till 4.4. Might be worth contacting maintainer if they have any plans to upgrade. ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Help validating our proposed WordPress/CiviCRM solution!

In general I would say that this sounds feasible. Your requirements sound similar to how many other charities are using CiviCRM. However, you have asked several detailed questions and I think you ...
William Mortada's user avatar
2 votes

Sanity check for adding customer (sales) data to database with donations data

Thought of a few more important things: I would map the BigCartel transaction ID to invoice ID and the payment processor transaction ID to the transaction ID field in Civi - this will preserve ...
Tamar Meir - Cividesk's user avatar
2 votes

Sanity check for adding customer (sales) data to database with donations data

@DanielJames Thanks for your clarification. Since you will be importing historical data and using an IPN to capture future sales information, I don't think you need to use price sets at all. ...
Tamar Meir - Cividesk's user avatar
2 votes

Installing CDN Tax Receipts For Us

Welcome to CiviCRM! CDN TaxReceipts can be installed through your manage Extensions screen: If you run into ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
2 votes

How do you input Virgin Money Giving Donations into CiviCRM?

If you can export the donations out of those systems in a CSV then you could import the contributions to Civi. There is fairly old extension for importing Just Giving donations. Don't know whether ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
2 votes

Combine or report on individual and household donations

hi and excuse the slight whinge but... providing links to things like the extension, makes it quicker for other busy folk (we all are) to help. And explaining 'why' you think it might not work also ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
2 votes

Donation report by exception

Yes, under Reports - Contribution Reports, choose New Contribution Report. Then there are choices for Not Issued and Issued. You can then choose some options and Save that report for future use. (...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24k
2 votes

How can you create more than one automated thank you for a donation?

Have you tried Schedule reminders?
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

Order form for materials on donation basis (CiviCRM / WordPress)

In theory you can set up a Contribution page with Price Set with all your 'merchandise' available as Price Fields so they could order eg 5 postcards or 3 x pack of 3 cards etc. Then i you set the ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
1 vote

CIVI CRM Donation Form is not working

That can happen if you have a mix of http vs https or vs in your configs. Try submitting a donation while looking at your browser's network tab and see if there are ...
Aidan's user avatar
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1 vote

I want to hide the Price Set on the Event Information Page. I want it to display only on the Registration Page

You can hide them using custom styling in wordpress div.crm-event-info-form-block .event_fees-section { display: none; }
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
1 vote

How to add a donation amount to an email that is sent from Civi

Alternate approach, since I was just wrestling with this: install the Fuzion Tokens extension. It gives you all kinds of useful tokens in various contexts, including things like total amount given ...
Hilary Caws-Elwitt's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a Donate Now type button that I can just plug into my drupal site?

If you are wanting to embed a form on another site then you should look at remoteform drupal 8 webform
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
1 vote

Combine or report on individual and household donations

To respond to the part of the question about moving a contribution, you can use the Move Contributions extension.
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
1 vote

Uploading donations from a spreadsheet

welcome to CiviCRM Stack Exchange! In CiviCRM there is an option in the Contributions menu called "Import Contributions". This allows you to upload contributions from a CSV file. Can you give that a ...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

How to include source page URL in donation page email receipt?

I think the short answer must be "no". Once the client is on a CiviCRM page, there are usually a few clicks before you get to the email receipting code, so at that point, there wouldn't be any record ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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1 vote

An email confirmation with these payment instructions has been sent to

This looks like there's a fix just hasn't been confirmed yet: If you can try out the patch and make a ...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24k
1 vote

Manual entry of recurring donation

If you are not processing the contributions directly through CiviCRM, then there is no way to create what Civi refers to as a recurring donation. There are, however other options: Import ...
Tamar Meir - Cividesk's user avatar
1 vote

Help validating our proposed WordPress/CiviCRM solution!

Totally agree with @William Mortada, do contact a CiviCRM partner and attend a CiviCamp so you get connected and become part of the CiviCRM community. One detailed answer: People can export their ...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

Divide recurring contributions between financial types

You might want to configure a price set with two line items, one for the membership and one for the donation. You want them to be monthly recurring, so that after 12 months they've paid for the $100 ...
Joe Murray's user avatar
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1 vote

Editing donation fields

Might be worth checking if your page uses a Price Set and then investigating the issue there. Otherwise it might be a field in a Profile, and that text may either be in the field 'pre help' or in the ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
1 vote

Particular report about contribution on CiviReport

I would recommend you look at using the Summary Fields extension
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
  • 28.6k
1 vote

Particular report about contribution on CiviReport

You may have to use several reports for what you are asking. But the Contribution Summary report has most of what you are asking for. Look at Contributions > Contribution Reports > Contributions ...
Iowa Boy's user avatar
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1 vote

Using Civi to manage members' lists of items available for donation to other members

I also received a helpful answer from Rose in the Civi chat (thank you Rose!). Thought I'd post it here just to have it all in one place: Interesting problem, and there's probably a way somehow. I'...
philraymond's user avatar

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