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7 votes

Merge known duplicate

Welcome to CiviCRM SE. You can merge the contacts manually via search results. Here is a link to the specifics:
KilakwaBT's user avatar
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7 votes

Am i able to do a search for duplicates in the database?

Yes - go to Contacts menu » Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts. There is dedupe documentation available. The tricky question is, "What represents a duplicate contact?". For some organizations, two ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
7 votes

100s of duplicate contacts created of current user when using CiviCRM

I have seen this when the uf_match table does not have the proper values for WP Id (uf_id), Contact ID (contact_id) and email (uf_name). I don't know why this occurs, I've not been able to track it ...
Kevin Cristiano's user avatar
7 votes

Unique custom field - contact creation

The "external identifier" field on contact records is available so you don't need a custom field. It won't allow duplicates.
Demerit's user avatar
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6 votes

Allow duplicate contacts with the same email

You will want to adjust your Deduping and Merging settings (top menu > Contacts > Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts). See ...
Allen Hutchison's user avatar
6 votes

Import Contacts with dedupe rules

The import code's use of dedupe rules as of this writing (Civi 5.1) is...interesting. The rules, which are defined in CRM_Contact_Import_Parser_Contact::getPossibleContactMatches involve short-...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
6 votes

Deduping within contact records

2019 UPDATE: A year later, I had to revisit this problem space, and I improved on my old answer; ignore earlier discussion threads on this answer. When deleting duplicated emails/phone/addresses ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
6 votes

Where does CiviCRM store Merge 'history'?

An activity gets recorded when you merge and it looks up the target contact via that. Use $winnerContact = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getmergedto', ['contact_id' => $contactId]). See also https://...
Demerit's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the Attributes for the Reserved DeDupe Rules

Pete's answer should be correct, but reserved dedupe rules don't work like normal rules. The original assumption: First name, last name and email must all be identical - is correct. Dedupe rules ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

Error message when merging contacts

This happened to us, and it turned out that we didn't have a "supervised" dedupe rule defined for individuals. You can have at most one "supervised" and one "unsupervised" dedupe rule. Our supervised ...
Patrick Lesslie's user avatar
5 votes

Force Batch Merge All Duplicates

I ran into a similar problem today. My solution requires some tech chops, but was very effective: Install cv on the server if you haven't already. Create a text file named forcemerge.php on the ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

Merging two contacts

To merge 2 contact records, select both contacts from a list then select the action 'Merge contacts' from the 'Actions' drop down. In the resulting screen you will see there are several options that ...
Andy Clark's user avatar
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5 votes

Why can I no longer Merge Contact records in 5.7.3?

So I looked at the civicrm email records of the two contacts that produce such an error and they look fine. Alan figured out that this is a bug: during the merge process when data is being gathered ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
5 votes

Can you create a dedupe rule to include individual and organisation details

The short answer is no. Dedupes for individuals and oranisations are handled separately in Civi. I'm assuming (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) you've got an event booking profile for an ...
Craig Almond's user avatar
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5 votes

Dedupe rule ignores the location type for Email/Phone but does not ignore for Addresses. Should we make this consistent

B please. This has been a point of frustration when importing. Make the location type simply a label without deduping consideration. I thought it always takes into account location type.
Andy Burns's user avatar
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5 votes

Rule to "Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts" returns unexpected results

The results of the search lists the "primary" email associated with the contact record. While the primary email presented in the search may not match, viewing the individual contact details--...
Patrick Masson's user avatar
4 votes

Something is seriously wrong with CiviCRM - Replicating Contacts

You can change the email account associated with a WordPress (or other CMS) account by editing the "UFMatch". If you're SQL-savvy, the correct table is civicrm_uf_match. If you want to do it through ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Deduping between Individuals and Organisations

You can change a contact's type either by the API or (safer) using the contact-editor extension. Obviously once you fix the types the dedupe rules will work better for you - but I don't know of an ...
Aidan's user avatar
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4 votes

Reserved de-dupe rules

Demerit's and Mick's answers are incorrect for the (built-in) reserved rules - though it's definitely confusing! If a RuleGroup has a value in the name field, and that name corresponds to a filename ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Alerting admins when certain fields are changed via profile & checksum?

If you have hosting that allows you to turn on Detailed Logging, there are two extensions that provide address history. One is in Extended Reports; the other is Joseph Lacey's Address Log report. It ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Moving contribution from individual to organization

Alternatively - you can try install/use:
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
4 votes

Table 'fthdc_civi.civicrm_translation' doesn't exist

It sounds like the upgrade didn't fully work. It gets created as part of 5.39:
Demerit's user avatar
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3 votes

accessing merge screen through URL

Another way of accessing Merge is from any Search function (based on Contacts eg Find, Adv Search, Quick Search). Eg click in QuickSearch, hit Enter (gives you all Contacts), select any 2 Individuals, ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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3 votes

In civivolunteer, is it possible to allow multiple users for 1 email?

The short answer: Yes, it's possible. You're asking about the "Unsupervised Dedupe Rule" - that is, the test to determine whether a contact who fills out a public-facing form is a duplicate of ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

How can I efficiently dedupe a very large number of records?

We did a lot of work to the dedupe processes in CiviCRM and in 4.7 its a much easier process to de-dupe large databases then it used to be. It was presented by Eileen in this years London CiviCon, ...
Parvez Saleh's user avatar
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3 votes

Multiple contact entries created for WordPress users if they login with non-primary email addresses

The issue outlined in the question and comments doesn't exist in the latest version of CiviCRM. Penny mentions that the issues results because "When a Wordpress User is deleted, the WP User ID is not ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Duplicate Contacts

Yes. One of the questions to consider is what you mean by a duplicate. If two contacts have the same first and last names, same address, same email and same date of birth, then you're fairly safe in ...
Aidan's user avatar
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3 votes

noob query : Importing contacts and membership

Contact records must exist before you import membership data. If you want to import membership data for contacts that do not yet exist in CiviCRM, you will first need to import the Contact data. Make ...
Parthibaraj Rajasekar's user avatar
3 votes

Comparing Duplicate address

The most reliable way to do this is to not import addresses that are known matches. I regularly use Pentaho Kettle to create import files for me. I'll separate addresses into their own CSV, then use ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Employer on Profile - Mismatching

Matching to existing organisations is determined by the Unsupervised rule for Organisations - go to Contacts > Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts then click Edit Rule on the rule marked Unsupervised ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.7k

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