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16 votes

How to change hard coded limit of 50 transactional emails?

It's recommended to use CiviMail for larger mailouts. It's worth understanding the potential consequences of using "simple CiviCRM mail" to do mails in bulk; eg: Harming your own site's spam ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
13 votes

How can I set up an incoming email (or bounce) account on GMail with OAuth?

This assumes you've already created a G Suite user and can successfully log into their e-mail manually. On CiviCRM Enable the OAuth extension. Go to Administer menu » System Settings » OAuth. Click ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
7 votes

Civirules send email

You need to also install another extension which is mentioned lower down on the introduction page: You need the Email ...
Demerit's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a way to create an an automatic email if someone is removed from a group?

I think this should be possible with using the CiviRules extension.
Sean's user avatar
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6 votes

{domain...} tokens not parsed in regular mail?

Domain tokens are not replaced when trying to send email activity for a contact. This seems like a bug in civicrm or wrong documentation. This can be fixed by applying below patch. diff --git a/CRM/...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
6 votes

Difference using primary vs main email address

A contact can have several emails. To distinguish them, each has a category: is this her professional email, her private one...? And no matter how many emails a contact has, civi needs to know which ...
Xavier's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I send automatic Thank You emails for different donation amounts and donation types?

I've not tried this, but the Smarty mail template allows for conditional statements. So you maybe could create one email with different outputs, Some older tutorials:
Nic's user avatar
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5 votes

Can you use civicrm for inbound marketing instead of HubSpot?

You can create webforms with CiviCRM to capture the data you're requesting. With the CiviRules extension, you can easily send automated email on a schedule like you describe. In fact, CiviRules was ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
5 votes

Inserting images in mailing

There are two issues going on here. First, you have images that you attempt to resize, but they are appearing wrong for many recipients. Second, you can't fix the images. I can't answer the second ...
Andie Hunt's user avatar
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5 votes

Civi does not email to some contacts (Not CiviMail, just mail)

Thanks to michaelmcandrew's comment I investigated deeper and found the reason being a bug. Created issue which is really weird but contains a somehow ...
nielo's user avatar
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5 votes

Scheduled reminders - Email head css attributes are being stripped out

The main issue seems to be the <style> tag defined in the templates. Schedule Reminder uses smarty engine by default which strips down the css styles defined. This doesn't occur in CiviMail ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
5 votes

How to check if a contact has an active membership in a smarty template?

You can use CiviCRM api through smarty to retrieve if membership is active for a contact. You can achieve this by Turn on CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY (set to TRUE or 1) in civicrm.settings.php add below api ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
5 votes

How to generate a receipt when Pay Later contribution is received

There are 2 ways of recording a pay later contribution Find related contribution, click on more link and then record payment. Or on view contribution page click on 'Record payment link'. Fill in the ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
5 votes

How can I create a new type of block in Mosaico?

I believe you can use hook_civicrm_mosaicoBaseTemplates() hook to create your own new mosaico block template definition (alternative to versafix-1). Documentation on how you can use this hook can be ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
5 votes

Need to resend event confirmation email

OK - I have now found the setting. The functionality has changed. Go to 'view Event Participation' -> click 'change selections' -> now the checkbox is visible and an email can be generated. Thanks
dik hoogmoed's user avatar
5 votes

Chasse plugin: can a user be on multiple journeys at the same time?

According to artfulrobot in the MM thread, Chassé enforces the concept that one contact can only be on one journey at once
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there an "Deliver report by email" equivalent for SearchKit?

There doesn't seem to be an extension, but see this recent discussion on chat for an option from Demerit, which I'm pasting here: "I don't recommend this as a real solution, but for something ...
Lars SG's user avatar
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4 votes

Editing Recurring Contributions without user login

I almost have this polished, just one little piece that may be beyond what my pea brain can handle. The short of it is that from the affected contact you need to send an e-mail with tokens. (I've put ...
G H's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there anyway to search on a non-primary email address?

Under CiviCRM search preferences, there’s an option “Search Primary Details Only” which is defaulted to “Yes”. /civicrm/admin/setting/search?reset=1 Setting this option to “No” will allow you to ...
Anil's user avatar
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4 votes

How to setup email verification for newsletter signup using webforms?

If you're looking for technical validation try this: Create a webform field type Email Install Webform validation module (if you don't already have it) and implement rule "Equal Values". Apply ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
4 votes

Add Custom Fields to Send Email Activity

Tim, as far as I know, you can't currently add custom fields to the built-in Send an Email activity. An alternative approach would be to use the scheduled reminder functionality. create a new ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
4 votes

What's CiviCRM's FQDN for mail?

SPF works by specifying what hosts can send email for a particular domain. Hence you should be thinking about adding your host to their SPF record (not 'their FQDN in our spf record'). If your client ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
4 votes

Custom Email Greeting token doesn't work

Any chance you don't have smarty enabled for civiMail so your capture-assigns and ifs aren't working in the mail? Try checking your civicrm.settings.php file and look for the line define( '...
Eli Lisseck's user avatar
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4 votes

Email was sending fine and now has stopped

When using mail() as your mail delivery method, CiviCRM will hand off to PHP's mail() builtin, which in turn usually hands over to a local delivery agent (see also PHP's mail configuration settings). ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
4 votes

How can I create a group containing all contacts with more than one email address?

This is an old question but has a new solution using Search Kit: See here From the search, you could create a smart group. The original solution looks for multiple addresses even if they are the same....
Aidan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to check if a contact has an active membership in a smarty template?

Don't think you have a direct variable to use in the template. Worth trying an extension to provide this? It can be done by simply writing something like below in your hook. function ...
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
4 votes

How to use G Suite / GMail as your CiviMail Provider

Setting up GSuite/Gmail as your CiviMail Provider. Decide if Gmail/G Suite is right for you. The limits for GSuite users is 2000 sent messages sent per rolling 24 hour period. Regular ...
themak's user avatar
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4 votes

Unsubscribe error message

I figured it out with the help of the back trace from the error. It was the CiviAlerts extension which I had installed apparently, I really liked this CiviAlerts too because it let me give my mail ...
Webmaster TheCMG's user avatar
4 votes

Email signature is set but does not appear in messages I compose

Jeremy, This was regression error introduced because of change in code. This is now fixed in later version of CiviCRM and should be available in next version. You can either apply the patch or wait ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
4 votes

Looking for contacts that are Pending (status by email) E-news Opt-in

Jon from Megaphone Tech created a custom report that that will allow you to filter by group status. Your system administrator would need to install it for you.
Tamar Meir - Cividesk's user avatar

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