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5 votes

How to sort in descending order the results of CiviCRM API

sort option takes the parameter followed by sort_order in civicrm api. For eg - the following works fine -
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
4 votes

questions on External ID

The External ID (external_identifier) is maintained in the database with a unique index, so any attempt to enter a duplicate value will take an error. The external_identifier itself is simply a ...
DaveD's user avatar
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3 votes

Importing Notes with external identifier

You need to choose 'Update' for 'For Duplicate Contacts' option on the import screen if you want to update the contact using import. Cheers Pradeep
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

How can I avoid my import crashing with a Fatal Error due to an existing external ID?

Thanks to Jamie McClelland, there is a patch available to make this more user-friendly. At some point hopefully it will be merged into core. JIRA: PR: ...
Laryn's user avatar
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Copy the contents of Custom Field to external_identfier field for all contacts

You can do it with the API explorer. Go to Support -> Developer -> API Explorer v4 and enter settings exactly like this, except the three places where I refer to "constituent_information....
Coleman's user avatar
  • 19k
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Dangerous to force a binary collation on civicrm_contact.external_identifier?

My experiments with setting external_identifier column to bin were not successful. It crashed basic functions of Civi for reasons unclear. Better is to add a hash to the data itself, thanks for the ...
CiviTeacher's user avatar
2 votes

Dangerous to force a binary collation on civicrm_contact.external_identifier?

You'd want to rebuild triggers if using trigger logging. If you have code that does a SQL join or compare on this field with another you might want to check that still works, but if it did before it ...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24k
2 votes

how to get an autoincrementing membership id with existing membership numbers

I would use the Contact Identity Extension and add a custom ID type for your membership number ( Fiddling around with contact ID's in the ...
Jaap Jansma - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

Allow Duplicate External IDs for later merge?

I do not think there is a (good) way to use duplictae external IDs in CiviCRM - if you want to use the external ID field to do so. You could however create a custom field, import your external ID in ...
Fabian's user avatar
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How can I update all my external-IDs?

Try doing a Contact import just of Civi ID, and new External ID, and set it to Update using a matching rule based on civi id.
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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possible bug: when using External ID as matching method, imported contributions can get matched to contacts in the trash--would expect error instead

I suggest you create an issue at I'd think it should be treated in the same way as if you matched on a contact id that was soft-deleted. The message you quote ...
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.6k
1 vote

how can I create an hook when external id change

Create an extension The first step to create a hook is to create an extension. I'd recommend installing civix which can generate an empty extension by simply typing the command : civix generate:...
samuelsov's user avatar
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Can Quick Search be set up so External ID does not have to be exact match to work?

I originally wrote it that way to avoid confusion. If you want to pull up contact id 20 you'll be overwhelmed with irrelevant results (201, 202, 203, 120, 220, 320, and so on). You'll get so many ...
Coleman's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I get the External ID to appear in my contacts through Webform?

I just ran into this very same issue today. I need to create/generate External IDs: First two digits of First Name + First two digits of Last Name + Date of Birth -> so e.g. COCR16091970 This is ...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar

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