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10 votes

How can I integrate Google Forms with CiviCRM?

[Note: With apologies to Jeff Goldblum, I was so preoccupied with whether I could do this, I didn't stop to think if I should. See the bottom for some caveats.] You can do this by adding a Google ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
6 votes

Conference Registration with Housing Requirements

Just wanted to share how a volunteer Admin for one of our projects is handling assets - e.g. Table assignments for Events; Room assignments for Camp; Equipment etc. Warning: must be abstract thinker -...
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
6 votes

Should Word Replacement work on button text?

Yes, Word Replacements does work for this. I replicated your issue as it is case sensitive. The helper text says: IMPORTANT: Replacements are case-sensitive whether 'Exact Match' is checked or not. ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to integrate a custom Drupal donate form with CiviCRM?

So this is definitely possible. I'm assuming that you asking the question, you have some Drupal FAPI experience. If you have CiviCRM installed already check out the API explorer, and check out the ...
jackrabbithanna's user avatar
5 votes

Linking a form to log as an activity on an individual's profile

Welcome to SE! From the FormBuilder main page, click the arrow next to New Submission Form and select Activity to create a new form. Click on the Activity 1 tab It should show Added by Select ...
Aidan's user avatar
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4 votes

Using HTML snippets for Forms no longer an option?

Looking at the release notes for CiviCRM 4.7.11 there was a security issue that was fixed to do with these external snippets:
John's user avatar
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4 votes

Public CiviCRM forms not working for anonymous users

After a long frustrating debugging I found the answer on this two pages: Installation and Configuration Troubleshooting Anonymous Users Cannot Contribute For Drupal sites, ensure that uid = 0 ...
Francesc Bassas i Bullich's user avatar
4 votes

Editing a label in "new individual" form

You can use the word replacements feature, if you want to replace the word everywhere. Or if you're just using that field for a different purpose, create a new custom field instead.
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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4 votes

Conference Registration with Housing Requirements

The questions about "assign housing and coordinate special needs" would really need more specific requirements to be able to provide a substantive answer. If 'assign housing' means something like, "...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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4 votes

Creating tags from fields

This is possible with CiviRules. However, I'd argue that in most cases you'd rather use a Smart Group. If you're committed to using CiviRules though: You'll need two rules. One with a trigger of "...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Gravity Forms integration with CiviCRM - AutoFill contact field

If you paid for Gravity Form-CiviCRM integration, I would contact the authors for support. Meanwhile, most of the community uses Caldera Form with Caldera Form-CiviCRM integration. I know this ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Can we integrate forms on wordpress using CiviCRM?

I'd recommend using Caldera Forms CiviCRM which has great integration with WordPress via the superb Caldera Forms plugin. Check out the tutorial by Tadpole Collective to get yourself going with ...
Christian Wach's user avatar
4 votes

CiviEvent: prevent registered users from changing their data

Take a look at the No Overwrite extension which prevents name changes on event registration forms.
Aidan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to add Contact "Notes" field in webform?

Here's a similar question: Can I add a space for people to write notes: like dietary needs and or comments? And here's an outstanding request for the feature here:
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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4 votes

Integrating iATS forms through CiviCRM (Drupal) onto website Wordpress

You can embed the Drupal site's form (any form, whether from Civi or Drupal) into your wordpress site using an iframe. Here's an example of exactly that: There are ...
Alan Dixon's user avatar
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4 votes

Should Word Replacement work on button text?

Here is an example of a CSS alternative that I am using. Colors and positioning will vary depending on your theme. /* Change text color to background color of button to make original text invisible, ...
Larry K.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Can front end forms display recent entries?

SearchKit is your friend! (... assuming your front-end is on the same site as Civi. I don't think we have a good way to send SearchKit results to a remote site yet.) In SearchKit, create a search: ...
Aidan's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way to embed a form created with FormBuilder in WordPress?

You can use shortcodes to embed afforms in a WordPress post or page [civicrm component="afform" name="afformQuickAddOrganization"] where afformQuickAddOrganization is the name of ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Editing a label in "new individual" form

Try some CSS: label[for=contact_source] { /* ...definitions here... */ } You can use the ::after to add arbitrary text, as per, e.g.
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
3 votes

Recommended way to deal with delete action in a page?

The way I did it In my most recent extension with a fair amount of CRUD happening via the UI, I used a different form at a specific URL (civicrm/sms/conversation/confirmdelete) for deleting. This ...
michaelmcandrew's user avatar
3 votes

Embedding CiviCRM Event form in an Iframe

Drupal core is now protected against clickjacking by default: You can install Security Kit module -> and then add specific allow-from domains.
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
3 votes

Radio buttons are before the amounts and on a different line

CiviCRM should have those radio elements on the same line by default. My guess then is that the website theme or some other module/extension in place alters this behaviour. This is really a CSS ...
Chris Burgess's user avatar
3 votes

Editable "Other" option in multiple choice / select field?

Profile conditional ext can be used to provide this - You dont have any UI option to build the conditions. But this can be easily done in civicrm....
jitendra - fuzion's user avatar
3 votes

Google forms, mailchimp and civicrm

There is a Mailchimp CiviCRM Integration Extension which you can download. Details are here at Details on how to enable extensions are at ...
peterb's user avatar
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3 votes

Extending CiviCRM Advanced search (queryObjects hook)

Ok, I circled back around to this and figured it out. It was staring me right in the face. The following function in CRM/Myextension/BAO/Query/Soundex.php needs changed. There needs to be a hidden ...
David Hayes's user avatar
3 votes

Gravity Forms integration with CiviCRM - AutoFill contact field

To add, I had used the Gravity Forms integration quite a bit as of late 2017 and even if you get it to auto-fill, it will not update an existing record in CiviCRM. It's just not nearly as developed as ...
Andy Burns's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to have a "from and to" field , need this for business hours "to and from"

This is not currently available in CiviCRM to have time range custom field. The alternate solution would be to create two date time field To and From and using buildForm hook and PageRun hook and/or ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

How to add a radio button with the help of buildQuickForm()

Its pretty simple to add it as a group of radio button, adding below snippet on how you can add (not tested) $choice = []; forach ($data as $id => $value) { $choice[$value[0]] = $...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Make CVV code field optional in payment processor in a contribution form

That’s a configuration/setting -> CiviCRM -> Adminster -> CiviContribute -> CiviContribute Component Settings
KarinG - Semper IT's user avatar
3 votes

Ways for an extension to determine how (by which form/screen/API) a Contribution was created?

In hook_civicrm_pre, the params passed to your function include qfKey and entryURL — at least sometimes. The entry URL is in a format that's pretty obvious, but it seems like depending on URL ...
Noah Miller's user avatar
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