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9 votes

How do I make the menubar a different color on my dev/staging sites

As of CiviCRM v5.12.1 the menubar color is a configurable setting. On your main site you can change the color via the UI by visiting Administer -> Customize Data & Screens -> Display Preferences. ...
Coleman's user avatar
  • 19.5k
5 votes

Drupal CiviCRM Menu not full length (shoreditch and otherwise)

This isn't directly related to the Drupal 8 change but instead is related to a change to the civicrm-drupal7.js file. The JS is forcing the CiviCRM menu to 97% width - to allow for the Drupal admin ...
HomoTechsual's user avatar
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5 votes

No CiviCRM Menus on WordPress

I would try clearing caches (click Cleanup Caches and Update Paths on the admin menu). I would also check your Resource URL to make sure it's correct (click Resource URLs on the admin menu). I would ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
4 votes

Menus disappear on update to 5.20.2 (Wordpress)

The definition of $civicrm_root was indeed the problem; in my settings.php (which had been working for a while) the path used Siteground username (as does DocumentRoot), whereas this should be ...
mc_burger's user avatar
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4 votes

CiviCRM 5.26.2 admin menu vanished in Drupal 7.72

Fantastic, like Jon G - Megaphone Tech mentioned in the comments: I replaced the formerly working shortlink including my domain name with the internal link using the auto-generated "clients" ...
Onsemeliot's user avatar
3 votes

Navigation Menu Lost

It's hard to tell which version of the summary fields you are having issues with but I'm guessing it's 4.0.1 which was suppose to fix the exact same issue with 4.0.0. It obviously doesn't. I filed ...
Paul-Tahoe's user avatar
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3 votes

no menu error 500 after upgrade to 5.8.x

Andy, Welcome to CiviCRM stack exchange. This is a weird error, since this function is already present in CiviCRM 5.8.1. But to trace the problem I would Check if the function quicksearchOptions() ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
3 votes

Customizing Menu Quirks

CiviVolunteer is adding menu items in the recommended way for Extensions. We are looking for guidance on how to support menu customization. I did not find any in the developer docs. If anyone knows ...
ginkgoMZD's user avatar
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3 votes

How to patch / add a plugin to Joomla CiviCRM?

What version are you on now? That patch is in 5.12.0 so your easiest option may be to upgrade to that version.
Aidan's user avatar
  • 13.7k
3 votes

Anyone else seeing an overlapping admin/civi menu bug with Joomla 3.8.13 and CiviCRM 5.6.0?

I can confirm that restoring the z-index that was removed in root/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/css/joomla.css corrects this issue. The rest of the removed code makes no difference. ...
LMK Web's user avatar
  • 571
3 votes

After installation Civi menu and dashbord do not show (SOLVED)

Thanks for all your good ideas. Finally I've solved it by going through the first case I've listed above: Civi dashboard and menus won't display after install. Though I could neither access the ...
Jannis Eicker's user avatar
3 votes

How to Add Menu Item to Parent Using Civix

Example: /** * Implements hook_civicrm_navigationMenu(). * * @link */ function dmfactuurlink_civicrm_navigationMenu(&$...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
3 votes

Civicrm menu lost for admin

Found. It came from the overlay module in Drupal :-( I needed to deactivate it.
Guillaume Sorel's user avatar
3 votes

Menu problem when web host upgraded from CPanel to Site Tools

I replaced the full URLs in the civicrm.settings.php file with relative URLs as shown below: FROM global $civicrm_root; $civicrm_root = '/home/customer/www/
timindaburgh's user avatar
3 votes

Find Contacts Menu Item Does Not Work

Seems to be related to the adminui (preview) core extension being installed, and it only affected some of our CiviCRM installations. In the db civicrm_navigation table, menu id = 3 had url civicrm/...
AlanGallery's user avatar
2 votes

Illegal mix of collations

First check the default collation. If it's different it may be causing implicit conversion: show variables like 'collat%'; If that's not it then note that individual columns can have their own ...
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
2 votes

Anyone else seeing an overlapping admin/civi menu bug with Joomla 3.8.13 and CiviCRM 5.6.0?

There was a commit that fixed css for shoreditch theme probably that might have caused the regression in Joomla. Can you try to replace the code from the commit and see if it works? If so I can file a ...
Pradeep Nayak's user avatar
2 votes

In CiviCRM 5.13.5 the new menu appears below the actual page or form

Fixed it by enabling clean url's in my local Drupal installation.
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

Menu bar is missing

Did you Cleanup Caches and Update Paths? It worked for me. Get to it from here: wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm%2Fadmin%2Fsetting%2FupdateConfigBackend&reset=1
Stacey's user avatar
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2 votes

Menu bar is missing

Make sure that the CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL is set correctly in /var/www/yoursite/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php (or whatever the path is to yout site) I have cloned sites to use for dev and forgotten ...
ChumKui's user avatar
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2 votes

No CiviCRM Menus on WordPress

OK, I am not sure what is actually causing the problem, but I believe it is related to file and resource paths. The site that I installed CiviCRM on is a subdomain. I use that site as a Sandbox to ...
jeff_in_ky's user avatar
2 votes

No CiviCRM Menus on WordPress

I 'fixed' this on my sandbox WordPress installation by: Uninstalling CiviCRM. Doing a fresh install of the latest CiviCRM version. Installing my extensions. Restoring a copy of my production database....
George Lozier's user avatar
2 votes

Is slicknav really obsolete?

Yes it was made obsolete when another menu system was brought in: You could try the shoreditch theme:
Demerit's user avatar
  • 24.7k
2 votes

CiviCRM 5.26.2 admin menu vanished in Drupal 7.72

Some things to try: Delete your templates_c folder. Press F12 in your browser to open the developer tools. Go to the Network tab, and reload the page. Check the status for any file that doesn't ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

How is "recent" defined when using recentmenu extension?

You can set preference by going to Administer > System Settings > Misc (Undelete, PDF,.......)
Tapash's user avatar
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2 votes

CiviCRM Break After Upgrade to Drupal 9.2

I resolved this by upgrading to CiviCRM 5.39.0. There were a couple of conflicts with libraries with Drupal modules but nothing we could not live without.
Josh's user avatar
  • 907
2 votes

New navigation menu item broken url

I think you have to do this: civicrm/contact/search?force=1&qfKey=0&reset=1
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

After upgrade to 5.44 menu and some elements won't load without debugging enabled

Long story short, it was a permission issue. A change to groups on my institutions relatively new server left Apache without execute permission on some files and folders in myTheme/civicrm/files. The ...
Jeff Wood's user avatar
  • 133
2 votes

Why would the CiviCRM menu or theme css appear on frontend pages on Wordpress?

If you're on a CiviCRM page as a user with CiviCRM privileges, you will see the CiviCRM menu, including on public facing pages. This is the default behavior that I have observed across Drupal and ...
Kristin's user avatar
  • 71
2 votes

Angular is being loaded twice after 5.56 update Civi menu won't load

According to there is one extra command to run after. Have created PR for documentation
CiviTeacher's user avatar

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