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4 votes

How do user permissions work for multi-level organizations?

Yes - I've done this several times. Many organizations with a chapter/branch format do this, such as IMBA, Wikimedia Foundation, the Australian Green Party, and many others. There are several ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

What are the advantages of a multi-site installation?

CiviCRM multisite allows you to have several organizations sharing the same instance of CiviCRM, but only a superuser can see the data across all sites. The most common example is an organization ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
3 votes

Why can't I create a payment processor in multisite?

Are you using the same payment processor naming for both? You must give it a unique name.
Andy Burns's user avatar
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2 votes

One host, multiple Wordpress domains, one CiviCRM database

This sounds like a scenario with multiple website but one CiviCRM, and the websites communicating with CiviCRM using the API. Some more information on this kind of scenario on
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
2 votes

One host, multiple Wordpress domains, one CiviCRM database

I haven't done multisite with Wordpress, but I think this link is more up-to-date documentation: If using a ...
Laryn's user avatar
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2 votes

100% mailing have bounced : validation failed for <(INVALID)>

So I found the problem. Thanks to @HomoTechsual who lead me in the right direction. The reason had been found in the Settings - Outbound Mail. It was set to mail() with a success message : Your ...
Ichi's user avatar
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Getting CORS error from CiviCRM dashboard dashlets

OK. So I've found what I think is a pretty serious problem with the current Civi CRM setup and multisites... There's an entire section up the top of civicrm.settings.php that has these lines: $...
Norman Cates's user avatar
2 votes

Wordpress Multisite Installation Error

I've seen this happen when there's a permission issue on the version-info-cache.json file that prevents the upgrader from properly deleting it. The file can be found in your CiviCRM "Temporary Files ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

Wordpress Multisite and CiviCRM with multiple databases

Well, the answer appears to be 'Yes, it is (almost) that simple'. The one wrinkle is that you first need to trick CiviCRM into thinking it has not already been installed on another Wordpress network ...
fred2's user avatar
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Cron job for Multisite in WordPress

I manage one WordPress multisite instance, so I looked how cron is configured. We use wp-cli with the CiviCRM extension to trigger cron. Cron jobs look like: 11,26,41,56 * * * * /full/path/to/wp-...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

administrative checklist on multisite

All of those settings are set per-site. If you're more comfortable looking at things at the SQL level, you can check out everything stored in civicrm_setting. Note the presence of a domain_id field; ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

Different Contacts of same child Group in multisite

We totally gave up on using sub-groups with the CiviCRM Multisite. This is too bad but really this seems to be far too complicated and very risky. That would also damage the work of people using ...
Ichi's user avatar
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2 votes

Can Wordpress handle multi-site CiviCRM the same way Drupal 7 with domain access does?

Yes - this can be done - you will find instructions on how to integrate Civi with a WordPress Multisite installation HERE. Hope this helps!
Tamar Meir - Cividesk's user avatar
2 votes

Multisite warning Undefined variable

==> I found the trouble : that was in the role setting : Multisite: view/edit/list all contacts in domain was not selected for this role… I my case, all the site share same user and roles along the ...
Ichi's user avatar
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CiviEvent events partitioned by domain in WordPress multisite

I wanted to post a belated update here, in case it helps someone else or could trigger additional discussion or action. Per Jon G, I emailed CiviDesk and got a prompt response: We have developed ...
Martin_W's user avatar
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Navigation & Extension issues Civi5.8.2 & Drupal8

There are multiple conflicting methods of installing CiviCRM with Drupal 8. It sounds like you're either a) placing the vendor directory into your webroot, or b) symlinking the vendor directory into ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

CiviCRM in a Multi-Tenant Setup

It's certainly possible to use CiviCRM as you describe, and I administer a couple of instances that do exactly this. I know it's possible with WordPress and with Drupal; not sure about Joomla or ...
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
2 votes

CiviCRM Multi-site support under drupal 8

I've set up a multisite with drupal 8 alongside a drupal 7 but not multiple drupal 8 sites. The existing drupal 7 documentation was enough to go off. Definitely would recommend trying it out on a ...
Luke Stewart's user avatar
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How to update "wpLoadPhp" setting for CiviCRM WordPress when moving/migrating installation?

You can safely ignore this setting unless you're hitting scripts in civicrm/extern or civicrm/bin or using cv directly. In that case I'd recommend switching to routes that go via WordPress e.g. the ...
Christian Wach's user avatar
1 vote

How to manually trigger update hook for an extension?

The extension upgrade command can be executed using API (version 3). Drush can then be used to execute the command on multiple sites: drush cvapi Extension.upgrade reset=1 A refresh may be ...
Sleewok's user avatar
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How to manually trigger update hook for an extension?

I think there are 2 steps when upgrading an extension: upgrade the extension itself (replacing the old version of the files with the new version) . This is done when you hit the upgrade link in the ...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

How to manually trigger update hook for an extension?

How about make a backup of the extension folder before the first update, then do on site A, then restore the backup folder, then do site B, etc...
Demerit's user avatar
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CiviEvent events partitioned by domain in WordPress multisite

You could try adding a Custom Field to the events, and then use CiviCRM ACLs to restrict folk based on the value of that Custom Field. If that isn't viable then setting up civicrm to proper multisite ...
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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1 vote

CiviCRM on multiple sites

can you do it if the two sites are installed in two different locations on the same server? So not a multi-site setup? Yes multisite can work with different drupal codebase/databases
petednz - fuzion's user avatar
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2 Drupal Sites and 1 CiviCRM

There is a third option. You can use two drupal sites and a third site for civicrm. On your Drupal sites use CiviMRF module to connect to your CiviCRM site. I wrote a blog on how to do this: https:...
Jaap Jansma - CiviCooP's user avatar
1 vote

One host, multiple Wordpress domains, one CiviCRM database

i'm french, is it somes différents wordpress or a WPMU ? if it's diffrent wordpress, each files "civicrm.settings.php" need to b connected with your database in line "define('CIVICRM_DSN'"xxxxxxx) ...
pikerez's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the advantages of a multi-site installation?

I was looking for this issue and finally found the below link it's about WordPress and I think it could be helpful.
raha 's user avatar
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1 vote

CKEditor Multi-Site Configuration Problem

Thanks Jon G, for steering me in the right direction and hopefully this might help someone down the line. I probably wasn't particularly clear in my description in that I run a Drupal multisite but ...
jansmath3's user avatar
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CKEditor Multi-Site Configuration Problem

You should be able to fix this by defining the CIVICRM_CMSDIR constant. Since you're using multi-site, you'll need to define that on a per-site basis.
Jon G - Megaphone Tech's user avatar
1 vote

One CiviCRM for multiple sites

I would always recommend to have CiviCRM on a separate server from the public facing website (privacy, security and updates) even thought it is more cumbersome and more expensive. So I assume you ...
ErikH - CiviCooP's user avatar

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